In the spotlight: the situation in the Gaza Strip

In the spotlight the situation in the Gaza Strip

This morning, the truce that came into effect on Sunday evening seems to have been respected. The operation launched Friday by the Israeli army is presented as a “preventive attack” against Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. ” The army has been ordered to spare Hamas, which has a much more powerful strike force “, according to Le Figaro.

Anyway, according to The worldeverything suggests that Hamas is not ready to plunge back into a direct confrontation with Israel : a year and three months after the May 2021 war, he has not had time to rebuild his forces. (…) A new conflict could weaken it “. ” The ancestral enemy seems not to find its interest in this sequence probably orchestrated in Tehran, which skates in the negotiations on the nuclear in Vienna », think they know The echoes.

The cross for its part analyzes the facts by returning to the origin of the shots. The Israeli army is at the initiative of this offensive, which has never happened since 2006. (…) For many, the logic behind this attack is above all political : (…) The Israeli army completed the surgery in 48 hours. Hamas has not moved. It’s a double victory for Yaïr Lapid and Benny Gantz, his Minister of Defense “Explains Denis Charbit, political scientist at the Open University of Israel, quoted in the pages of the daily. Knowing that the next general elections in Israel are scheduled for November 1st.

Entry into office of Gustavo Petro in Colombia

Release in fact its one. ” Latin America is anchored to the left “says the daily. But ” the democratic lefts of Latin America (…) have more limited room for maneuver than at the time of the first “pink wave”, when the leaders took advantage of the explosion in the price of raw materials to finance their redistributive policies without carry out major tax reforms. And their ambitions are less “.

In France, an episode of historic drought

This time it’s the turn of The cross to look into the subject. The newspaper takes stock of water consumption in French homes. On average, 150 liters of water are used per day and per person and more than half for showers, baths and toilets, knowing that this is drinking water. So The cross offers to ” new water sources », starting with the reuse of wastewater, which could for example be used for « clean roads, water green spaces or irrigate crops “. Why not also desalinate seawater, capture the humidity of fog and dew with nets as is already done in Morocco or Chile? More absurd idea: use icebergs. Some are in favor of it, but the ecological and monetary cost would be very high.

For some, money is not a problem

Humanity devotes four pages to billionaires, these ” climate criminals »: 1% of the wealthiest people emit more CO2 than the poorest 50%. In particular, it is a question of the boom in private aviation: ” In France, one in ten aircraft leaving a runway is a jet “. How to reverse the values? Many accounts on social networks track these movements and denounce this “ climaticidal lifestyle “. Benjamin Lucas, Generation.s deputy for Nupes, also mentions in the newspaper another track, not just symbolic: “ Restore the solidarity tax on wealth and match it with a climate component “. The ecological transition, he assures, “ will only be done with constraint, regulation, redistribution without opposing end of the world and end of the month “.
