In the spotlight: the “shared” program of the French left

In the spotlight the shared program of the French left

650 measures for a legislature under the banner of Nupes:

Ask for the program! Eyes fixed on the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, in France, the New popular ecological and social union, presented, on May 19, what would be the roadmap of a government of cohabitation led by the Prime Minister Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise.

From the increase in the minimum wage to 1500 euros net per month to retirement at 60, through the freezing of certain prices, an ecological transition that creates jobs or the strengthening of public services…, the French left has agreed on 617 of the 650 measures of this program. The rest would be at the discretion of future deputies. ” Almost fifty years after the signing of the “common program of the left”July 12, 1972 “Here is his program” share “, welcomes Release.

This means that, if some disagreements persist between rebels, socialists, communists and ecologists on such and such points of this “shared” program, the objective is clear, underlines the communist daily Humanity : “ to grow the popular movement, to defeat the right and the far right, and turn hope into reality within reach of the vote “.

Rififi within the right

The president of the parliamentary group Les Républicains in the National Assembly, Damien Abad, is on leave from this party in the midst of turmoil after the rout of its candidate, Valérie Pécresse, in the presidential election last month. The boss of the deputies Les Républicains announces in Le Figaro that he leaves the presidency of the LR group in the National Assembly. Damien Abad also says to put “ in vacations by LR. In Le FigaroDamien Abad assures us to stay “ a right wing man “, but he adds that he no longer recognizes himself” in the LR approach “.

The rupture thus recorded between Damien Abad and Les Républicains. Le Figaro laments ” a spectacular reversal that can only hurt the right “. Because this daily fears the gaze of ” those who say they are on the right and who no longer believe in LR, in particular those who followed Éric Zemmour “. For them, laments Le Figarothis ” crossing to the west by Damien Abad will feed the trial against a right more inclined to betrayal than to the defense of its convictions “.

Member of Parliament and nephew of François Mitterrand, Jérôme Lambert has lived for 20 years in Parisian social housing at very low rent

This is the website Mediapart who revealed it. According to this online newspaper, Jérôme Lambert has lived since 1997 in ” a Parisian apartment of 95 m² » for a rent half the market price. Reached by Mediapart, Jérôme Lambert confirms that he has lived in this apartment for more than twenty years, assures that he intends to leave it in June, and judges that there is in his situation ” nothing morally shocking “.

Not invested by the Socialist Party and rejected by the left alliance around Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Jérôme Lambert is a dissident candidate for his re-election in the legislative elections in Charente (south-west of France).

Omar Sy’s tribute to the Senegalese riflemen

Himself of Senegalese and Mauritanian origin, the actor is all smiles on the front page of the newspaper The Parisian. Came to present the film at the Cannes Film Festival Skirmishersdirected by Mathieu Vadepied, Omar Sy told the Parisian his pride in having co-produced this film which tells the story of Senegalese skirmishers and other West African colonies, who served in the French army during the First World War, between 1914 and 1918. ” We all have the same story, but not the same memory “, says Omar Sy to the Parisian. According to him, ” in France today, in the current context, remembering that can help us build something more peaceful in the future “.
