In the spotlight: the Russian threat in Ukraine

In the spotlight the Russian threat in Ukraine

A Ukrainian soldier patrols a trench. We are in the Donetsk region, camouflage atmosphere: image of this war which has lasted for almost eight years in eastern Ukraine. A front page image of New York Times and Financial Times today. Yes, Russian movements on the Ukrainian border are of great concern to Americans and Europeans alike.

From now on, we are in tune on both sides of the Atlantic and that, tells us the Financial Times, after weeks of a ” sustained diplomatic engagement “From the United States to European governments,” supported by intelligence sharing normally reserved for closest allies “. What ultimately helped to convince some previously skeptical European capitals, including Berlin, that the Kremlin could soon order its troops to be sent to Ukraine.

A long-awaited Biden-Poutin interview

The German press is also looking into the issue. ” Biden wants to stop Russia from attacking », Title Süddeutsche Zeitung. The German newspaper looks back on the revelations of Washington post this week-end. According to US military intelligence, “ Moscow plans to assemble around 175,000 troops by early 2022 for a possible border offensive.

The two presidents, Joe Biden and Vladimir Poutin, will meet this Tuesday, December 7, by interposed videos, and the objectives of the Kremlin seem clear for the Süddeutsche Zeitung : ” Putin wants to prevent both a further modernization of the Ukrainian army and above all a membership of NATO “. Last Wednesday, he also “ demanded the end of deliveries of American military equipment to Ukraine and the guarantee that Kiev would never be admitted into NATO “. Moscow presents this as ” a Red line “, Specifies the German newspaper, before relaying face to face the words of Joe Biden:” I do not accept a red line from anyone.

A crisis in the Russian press

The subject obviously interests the Russian press, too. Starting with the newspaper Kommersant. An analyst first notes the half-victory of Kiev, which has long wanted American involvement in this dossier. Only half a victory, because the Ukrainians would have preferred ” a tripartite interview “, And they have reason to worry about the guarantees that Joe Biden will bring” in their absence “, Estimates the Russian newspaper. However, he continues, the Russians can also be worried because ” the stakes are high “. ” Lack of progress at meeting could lead to serious further sanctions “, highlighted Kommersant.

Indeed, ” Washington is perfectly capable of barring international investors from the secondary Russian government bond market “. ” It goes without saying that such a development would inevitably lead to a collapse of the market and the ruble. », Analyzes the article. This is why the Russian newspaper is somewhat worried about the position of the Kremlin. He hopes that Vladimir Putin, ” by agreeing to decide the fate of Ukraine directly with Joe Biden, took into account all possible options and trade-offs “. Finally, a word about the reality of American intelligence on movements on the Ukrainian border: ” Even though it appears to be a scenario from an alternate reality, cautiously asserts Kommersant, it is nonetheless very worrying. And more and more every day.

China and the Atlantic Ocean

Another cause for concern in Washington: Beijing, which has its eye on the Atlantic Ocean. And it is on the African continent that this is happening, information from the Wall Street Journal : according to American intelligence, ” China seeks to establish its first permanent military base on the Atlantic coast of Africa “And she visibly” keep an eye on Bata, in Equatorial Guinea “. It’s a city, explains the Wall Street Journal, who ” already has a commercial deep-water port justly built by China on the Gulf of Guinea “, and ” excellent highways connect it to Gabon and the interior of Central Africa “. The main concern of Americans here is that “Chinese warships will eventually be able to rearm and re-equip themselves in front of the east coast of the United States a threat that sets off alarm bells in the White House and the Pentagon », Says the newspaper.

The United States’ senior deputy national security adviser, Jon Finer, visited Equatorial Guinea in October, “ with the mission of persuading the Equatorial Guinean authorities to reject the openings of China “. Beijing has visibly been making calls since 2019 but, today, US officials are trying to convince that it would be ” unwise to insert itself between the frontlines of global competition between the United States and China “. In any case, it is certain for the Wall Street Journal : this ” skirmish over country that rarely attracts attention reflects growing tensions between the two great powers “.

Pope Francis’ message for migrants

A message also in the press today, that of Pope Francis in favor of migrants. A message delivered during a trip to Greece this weekend, but the Spanish press comes back widely. Spain, gateway to Europe, follows the migration file very closely, so we see the visit of Pope Francis on the front page of a good part of the newspapers this morning: El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia. Highlight of this visit, relates El País, ” a moving speech by the Sovereign Pontiff at the Lesbos refugee camp, five years after his first visit to this Greek island, emblematic of the migration crisis “. Pope Francis denounced the ” sinking of civilization Which abandons migrants. The Mediterranean ” is turning into a cold cemetery with no tombstones “, He lamented. A message, analyzes the Spanish newspapers, obviously addressed to European leaders in particular.

