In the spotlight: the return of tests and the wearing of masks to travelers from China

China in the statistical blur after the relaxation of health

“After Italy, after Spain” The world notes that it is the turn of Paris to “strengthen its border control measures”. Goal, remind The Parisian : “avoiding an epidemic rebound in the territory, and countering the emergence of new variants”.

Le Figaro details the measures put in place: “negative test less than 48 hours before departure, wearing a mask compulsory on all planes from China”. According to the daily, “random PCR tests” will also be carried out on arrival in France on Monday.

In question, the explosion in the number of COVID cases in China. The opportunity for The world to be interested in “Three years of Beijing health policy”. Politics judged “catastrophic” by the daily. And “Like any tragedy, this one is played out in three acts” announcement le Monde: “Victory in 2020, doubt in 2021, failure in 2022”. The newspaper talks about humiliating outcome for the Chinese authorities as hospitals are overwhelmed.

And yet, remember The world it is not for lack of having warned: “In the spring of 2021, one of the country’s leading epidemiologists dares to point out that China cannot remain closed forever. He is being dragged through the mud by the nationalists”.

A sinologist quoted in Le Figaro even goes so far as to predict that ” COVID will be China’s Chernobyl “. According to her, the Zero COVID policy is only in name. “We can see that the crematoriums are overflowing, that the population is panicking” she confides on a daily basis before adding: “Xi Jinping surrounded himself with a clique of obligated people and dismissed all competent people. He even ended up sidelining the prime minister, Li Keqiang, who had skills. »

Overwhelmed hospitals, a health system in great difficulty, this is also true in France…

“The emergency room of the Salon de Provence hospital completely saturated” according to Provence, whileWest France is interested in “5 signs that show that the French health system is on the brink of collapse”.

Hospitals have been facing a triple epidemic for several weeks with bronchiolitis, COVID and influenza. It is the latter which is the most widespread in recent days. The voice of the North reports “a high proportion of serious cases in several hospitals in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais”. The newspaper further states that “We are still only at the beginning of the epidemic”. “In the vast majority of cases, admitted patients are not vaccinated” according to The voice of the North.

And this large influx in hospitals only reveals a little more the shortcomings of the French health system listed by West France : “Overwhelmed emergencies, a significant lack of carers, those who remain can’t take it anymore, city medicine out of breath and… government promises repeated for years”.

Same story in the south of France notes Provence who gives the floor to an emergency doctor: “We have let the health system go for the past 20 years […] today, we are at a breaking point and we are paying the price ».

“But what will the government do in the face of this threatened medicine? » Question asked by designer Jul in Humanity this morning. The answer in image: we see a patient, auscultated by a doctor who places a stethoscope on his back before asking “say 49-3”.

Another subject prominently in our newspapers: the end of one year and the beginning of another…

“2022, the year of the fighters” title The Parisian Today in France. “From Iran to Ukraine, from Afghanistan to France”, everyday life shines a spotlight on “these women who fight step by step to defend their rights”. “They marked the year”, the Parisian portrays them.

But for many newspapers, it is the heat that will have marked the past year. “2022 will be the hottest on record” remind her New Republic while The Parisian expects a “New Year’s Eve too sweet”.

“2023… what the world has in store for us” title The cross who prefers to try a foresight exercise. Economy, defence, health, environment, the daily tries to guess what awaits us next year in these areas. Pèle mixes, and without too much spoiler… divulging… the experts interviewed by the daily plan: “a lull on the inflation front, a risk of getting bogged down in the war in Ukraine and the energy difficulties that ensue”and good news perhaps: the daily wonders if 2023 might not be “the year of a new beginning” for the Amazonian forest, nibbled away for years by man. Another interesting fact: from next year there will be “more Indians than Chinese” on earth.
