In the spotlight: the puzzle of the executive and the dissatisfied French

In the spotlight how to govern

Reshuffle, majority : the executive is looking for the solution », tells us the front page of Figaro who predicts for Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne a “ studious weekend before a decisive week “. ” The President and the Prime Minister want to be able to quickly launch the five-year term suspended since the end of April “says the newspaper. Yup, it’s ” choice time », confirms Le Parisien-Today in France. ” The Prime Minister presented this Friday at the end of the afternoon to the President the results of her consultations with the political parties. The kick-off to finally form a new government. »

A government promised by the Head of State for the first days of July, only here: ” the more time passes, the less precise the calendar becomes “, highlighted The Parisian. But it’s anyway a tightrope walker exercise “, resumes Le Figarobecause he must take into account parity and new balances in the National Assembly “. The Prime Minister, precisely, must widen its majority at the Palais Bourbon “, then Le Figaro wonders: ” Will she be in a position to submit to a vote of confidence following her declaration of general policy, which will be delivered on Wednesday in both Houses ? “It is in any case” the wish of the oppositions and of 66 % the French Also, according to an Odoxa Backbone survey conducted for the daily.

French people dissatisfied with the situation in the Assembly

French people who are at the end of the democratic roller “says Release. ” According to a Viavoice survey, the elections are far from having appeased social and political tensions in the country. ” For more than half of those questioned, 53% precisely, the legislative elections left ” bitterness », or even « dissatisfaction “. 55% show themselves outright “ worried “.

However, still in Freed, the platform of a professor of public law welcomes a little further this pluralism, shall we say, within the hemicycle. He would sign the return of democratic deliberation “: ” A President of the En Marche Assembly, a socialist first vice-president, a vice-president La France insoumise, two Rassemblement national, a Horizons, a quaestor Les Républicains, a president of the Insoumis finance committee… Beyond the political hubbub, long live the relative majority and long live the Vth Republic ! exclaims this professor of public law. According to him, this is the way to put an end to President Jupiter, because the ” democratic tragedy » would be the absolute majority constructed by the president, to which the deputies had hitherto been subordinate, and not the other way around.

The entrenched far right

An Assembly in which the far right is now well anchored. This is The world who returns this morning to ” this crazy week “where the RN is” notabilized “, its ” institutionalized “. Ten days after the legislative elections, far-right deputies ” managed to find a place at the Palais Bourbon, with the help of the presidential coalition and the right “, to analyse The world. It highlights a scene revealing new ambitions ” party.

It was Thursday when Yaël Braun-Pivet, the new President of the Assembly, unveiled to the ten representatives of the parliamentary groups the plan for the location of the seats in the hemicycle. ” I don’t want to be placed on the far right “, declared Marine Le Pen, refusing that his formation, now strong of 89 deputies, sits” as usual to the right of the right, to the right of the LRs, rather suggesting a more central placement, to the left of the LRs. The president refused, but for a week ” everything is a matter of symbols and statuses at the Palais Bourbon », concludes The world.

The drama in the dark rooms

The Parisian Also looks back on another drama this morning. He looks back on the “ great depression of cinema » French, when the now traditional Film Festival opens tomorrow, with tickets at 4 euros, well « the cinema is not at the party », laments The Parisian. ” Cinema attendance is down 30 % compared to 2019 ”, in particular in question: “ high ticket prices, lack of interest in the films offered, and competition from platforms ” obviously…

But if ” some American films are a hit, many French productions flop “, highlighted The Parisian. He invites us to reflect: What is the last French feature film that stuck, transported, upset you ? Search well, but not easy “, responds the daily. And that’s the whole problem, he says. we go to the cinema less, and above all we have less desire to go to the cinema “. But all is not lost, he tells us, right now he invites us, for example, to go and see ” Cut ! », a delirious comedy for the general public by Michel Hazanavicius, on the set of a zombie film… « This is the best we have seen since the beginning of the year “, valued The Parisian.
