In the spotlight: the press returns to the attack against the Kurdish community in Paris

In the spotlight the deadly attack against Kurds in the

The newspapers report the latest developments in the investigation and return to the motivations of the assailant, and the racist motive retained by the courts. ” Suspect wanted to kill strangers first” precise The Latest News from Alsace when West France speaks of a “pathological hatred of foreigners ».

The daily recalls the words of the alleged shooter described as depressive and suicidal: “ before committing suicide, I always wanted to murder migrants, foreigners, since this burglary “. A burglary that took place “at his home in 2016” precise Le Figaro who then speaks of click for the killer who would then have wanted to attack strangers. The daily quoted the 90-year-old father of the alleged shooter: “ He’s crazy, he’s crazy “.

Release give voice to the Kurdish community

“A lone wolf, seized by a racist impulse, who would have taken his weapon and shot at random? “. Freedration quotes the spokesperson for the Kurdish Democratic Council of France who “don’t believe it “.

“For us, it is not trivial that these assassinations took place in this place which acts as the embassy of the greatest people without a State” hammers Yekbun Eksen.

Release asks him about the scene of the killing, at the Ahmet Kaya cultural center, rue d’Enghien. The daily describes a “large room, a veritable mausoleum to the glory of the martyrs and heroes of the PKK”. In a corner, “a group of women, faces closed, eyes reddened”. “The men whisper among themselves. All are convinced that the shooter was returned to prison, by pro-Erdogan ”.

Release was also able to observe that on Saturday, during the demonstration in support of the Kurds at Place de la République, “only a sign pointed to the possible responsibility of the far right”.

A young Franco-Kurdish questioned on the sidelines of the demonstration drives home the point: “ As we approach ten years since the assassination of three activists, which took place a few streets from the cultural center, it’s too big “.

The spokesperson for the Kurdish Democratic Council of France assures Release : “ It was expected that there would be problems in Paris, for the ten years. Assassination teams have been known to criss-cross Europe to kill Kurdish activists. »

Christmas celebrations

Christmas around the world “, title the cross which takes us in Mongolia, with the small Catholic community, but also in Rome and in France “. In the Mongolian steppes, the daily speaks of “ Early Christmas ” while the country has barely 1,500 faithful.

Not enough to discourage Cardinal Marengo, Apostolic Prefect of the country. ” We have to build everything. We live as in the Church of the first Christians. »

They lived a New Year’s Eve darkened by the conflict. » The Parisian today in France spent Christmas with a Ukrainian couple in kyiv. Despite the war, notes the daily, ” Volodymir, Lubov and their daughter Maryna wanted to set a festive table “.

Salad, beets, cabbage, carrots, raw vegetables […] the majority of products come from the vegetable garden ” of their parents, confides the mother of the family on a daily basis.

Usually, on the evening of the 24th, they celebrate Christmas with friends. ” But this year, the friends in question deserted kyiv “, tells the couple to the Parisian.

Between two drinks, the war is the main topic of conversation… The opportunity for the father of the family to “thank the allies of Ukraine” without which, he adds, “ we couldn’t share this meal “.

On Boxing Day, trying to get rid of her presents.

Millions of French people are ready to resell them »ensures The echoes. The reasons are ” financial or ecological “according to the daily which notes that” The phenomenon is growing year by year. “. The newspaper cites an online sales platform that ” anticipates 3 million ads published between December 25 and January 3 “. At the top of the list of gifts that are not liked according to the daily: “ cultural products, especially books, and high-tech products “.

As for the reasons that lead to parting with a gift: most often, remind the echoes, “receiving a duplicate toy or an item of clothing in the wrong size is the most common situation”. The resale of gifts is now an integral part of our economy, concludes the daily, which recalls that “The resale of the gifts would thus represent more than 336 million euros reinjected”.

Les Echos publishes the results of a survey according to which “One in two French people is planning to resell one of their gifts this year if it does not suit them”.
