In the spotlight: the presidential election in France

In the spotlight the presidential election in France

Photos of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen make the front page of many newspapers on the American continent, from Argentina to Canada. According to Argentinian newspaper Clarin there are two Frances who voted this Sunday: the one who earns a good living, who has no identity problems, who travels, who goes on vacation and who accepts cultural diversity. And then there are the others, the new poor of the middle class “, who earn more than 3,000 euros per household, but whose bank account balance is negative at the beginning of the month, after having paid the mortgage, taxes, electricity, gas, and mutual insurance. According to Clarin they are the ones who voted for the extreme right in this first round, probably for the first time. They thus express the anger and humiliation they feel “.

The vote for the far right and in particular Marine Le Pen worries Washington

According to the news site Politico, NATO and the European Union will live two weeks of great concern until the second round. France’s American and European allies seek to assess whether Paris will remain a reliable partner in the war against Putin’s forces in Ukraine », especially in view of a victory for Marine Le Pen. Like other newspapers, Politico underlines the closeness of the president of the National Assembly with the Russian president, but also her wish to withdraw the only nuclear power of the European Union from the integrated command structure of the Atlantic Alliance.

Read also: French presidential election: what vote reserve for Emmanuel Macron?

Half a century agowrites the Quebec daily The duty, we found a Communist International as “fifth column” of Moscow in European societies (French, Italian, Spanish CP); since the 2010s, the new international is made up of far-right nationalists “. According to The dutythere is – and the presidential election in France is a test of this – a “strategic reservoir in public opinion and European political configurations. This tank can undermine, even thwart the will, displayed until now, to resist the politico-military maneuvers of Moscow “.

Is Bukele’s “anti-gang” policy effective?

In El Salvador, authorities have arrested more than 9,000 suspected gang members in the past two weeks. This was announced by President Nayib Bukele. But according to the press, it is not certain that these drastic measures produce the expected effects. The newspaper Prensa Grafica denounces a strategy already used by previous governments, but which has shown its limits. “ These police and criminal measures have never succeeded in solving the problem of violence in El Salvador and other countries in the region. “.

According to an expert quoted by the Prensa Graficathere is another problem that prevents an improvement of the situation: There seems to be no political will or capacity to seriously tackle the problem, as these are long-term policies that transcend electoral conjunctures “. According to the newspaper, the United States is increasingly concerned about acts of violence in El Salvador. Washington is asking the government of Nayib Bukele to authorize the extradition of gang leaders who have committed crimes in the United States, which El Salvador is refusing for the moment.

Read also: Salvador: President Nayib Bukele welcomes the arrest of 6,000 gang members

AMLO wins its bet

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has won his bet. In a referendum yesterday Sunday, a majority of Mexicans voted in favor of his remaining in power until the end of his term in 2024. Despite a turnout of less than 20%, electoral authorities and the president’s party Morane called the referendum a success, the newspaper notes Milenio. The opposition will be happy to point to the low turnout and interpret it as an erosion of the president’s electoral base, the newspaper adds. The editorial ofUniversal harshly criticizes the referendum which ended “ by a failure presented as a victory “. And the newspaper to denounce a state maneuver worthy of the authoritative governments of the past “.

Read also: Mexico: the revocation of the presidential mandate of López Obrador submitted to a referendum
