In the spotlight: the post-coup in Gabon

In the spotlight the post coup in Gabon

After the military putsch, Gabon is waiting and in doubt “, title Release…” Two days after the fall of Ali Bongo, Gabonese as international observers hope putschists that they will keep their promises and will not stay in power forever. The discomfort, however, is palpable “, continues the newspaper, which observes that” very few voices were raised to demand the return to power of Ali Bongo “. The proof with these words from the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrel: “ A few hours before the military coup, there was an institutional coup because the elections were stolen. An allusion of course to the elections last weekend.

France-Africa : the Gabonese contagion “, title on his side The worldwhich devotes its editorial to Gabon and issues a warning to France: “ Faced with the risk of excitement after the succession of putschs in French-speaking Africa, including the overthrow of Ali Bongo on Wednesday in Gabon, it is urgent for Paris to change its posture and adopt a strict position of neutrality. ” And The world to add: ” France’s position is weakened by the contrast between its lessons in democracy, its defense of “values”, on the one hand and, on the other, its heavy past of presidents installed or unbolted by its care, its support to dictatorships and its variable geometry condemnation of coups d’etat. ” The daily does not hesitate to give some advice to Emmanuel Macron and the government: ” Neutrality », therefore, but also « clarification of the discourse, probably by a military withdrawal “.

Mediapart also returns to relations between France and Gabon

France, oil, money, power » : the fate of the Bongo family. For a bit, it feels like a soap opera with twists and turns, Dynasty Or dallas. ” Without oil, would we speak today of the Bongo dynasty? ? ” interrogates Mediapart : “ The history of this family which reigned for 56 years and occupied all the spheres of the State of Gabon is intimately linked to that of the money of the black gold. : the one that flowed afloat for decades and to which Elf and then Total had privileged access. » « During this timeaccused Mediapart, the majority of Gabonese watch, profiting nothing, silenced when they try to challenge the order established by the dynasty. Today, nearly 40% of the Gabonese population lives below the poverty line, and the unemployment rate is 37%, while the GDP is high compared to the African average. The country has even become more and more impoverished over the years. The online diary ends: One question remains : oil money will continue to flow, but for whose benefit ? »

In France, today comes into force the long-contested pension reform in the street

I should have retired today “, title Humanity. The newspaper close to the Communist Party gives the floor to Edith: “ She has already packed her boxes, sold her apartment. The future retiree imagined living close to her daughter and her grandchildren, in Normandy. Only here, the pension reform upsets its forecasts. ” Edith, born in 1961, is one of the first victims of the reform, sentenced to three more months. “She will have to live with her father, then with friends,” a stress that she would have done well without “.

In its editorial, the newspaper warns: It would be very naive to think that the entry into force of this text could reduce anger. “Especially since the system mumbles:” Some do not even know when they will be able to assert their rights as the implementation of this reform in haste is proving chaotic. » Humanity who does not give up and reminds us that a new day of mobilization is planned for October.
