In the spotlight: the Nice attack on the assizes

In the spotlight the Nice attack on the assizes

A ” carnage “, formula The Parisian Sunday. July 14, 2016 in the evening, Promenade des Anglais, in Nice (south-eastern France). A truck drives into the crowd. Men, women, children, French, foreigners. At the wheel of a 19-ton rental, the terrorist does not go into detail. Foot to the floor, he mows lives by zigzagging on the seafront, crowded, when the fireworks of July 14 have just ended. 86 dead, more than 500 injured.

Six years later, it is the trial of terrorist barbarism »which will open tomorrow, the newspaper headlines The world. In the box, the man driving the truck, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31, a native of the Sousse region in Tunisia, will be absent. And for good reason, the police shot him down after two kilometers of his furious run. Verdict expected mid-December. Eight defendants, six men present, another on the run, and a woman, will be judged.

In The Parisian SundayMe Nicolas Gemsa, lawyer for the civil parties points out: “ that there is no main author and that second knives does not detract from the very important criminal and human stakes of this trial “. A trial for history.

McKinsey, perennial sucker

In France again, the consulting firm McKinsey, less than two months ago, signed a new contract with the State. This American firm, however, is the subject of an investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) for ” aggravated laundering of tax evasion “. According The ObsMcKinsey has, in effect, “ awarded a major strategy consulting contract in July by a public body, UGAP “. This weekly reports the astronomical amount of the market. Out of a total sum of 375 million euros, the addition amounts to 75 million for strategy advice alone, compared to 12 million during the previous contract in 2019. An increase of more than 500% which comes as the ex-Prime Minister Jean Castex, in January, then Stanislas Guerini, the new Minister of Transformation and the Public Service, a few weeks ago, had publicly committed to lowering spending on advice by 15%… “.

The Obs stresses accordingly that the Ministry of Finance ” investigates a company on one side, while piloting a major public order with it on the other… An embarrassing situation to say the least “says this magazine.

Giorgia Meloni, pasionaria on the right, everything!

Only three more weeks before the general elections in Italy. In the polls, the hard right is leading the race. Precisely: at its head, a woman, Giorgia Meloni. Portrait of the president of the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) party to be found in the weekly Point. At 45, Giorgia Meloni, who introduces herself as ” wife, mother, christian “will she” hit the jackpot? », wonders Point. Leading in the polls, the Brothers of Italy are set to become on September 25 “ the first political force of the Bel Paese and to impose himself at the head of a right-wing coalition alongside Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini’s League “, warns this newspaper.

The atom, the return

The war in Ukraine, finally, and its paradoxically very profitable consequences for a key energy sector that is coming back into favor, civil nuclear energy. Europe, “ epicenter of the crisis “, is faced with an addiction “ deadly to Russian fossil fuels, points out The Express. ” At the risk of shortages this winter, the Belgian and German governments are re-examining their position on the initially planned closure of their reactors. The first postponed its exit from the atom by ten years. On the side of Berlin, herald of the anti-nuclear fight at European level for ten years, maintaining the last three units in operation and restarting the three units closed in 2021 are no longer taboo “.

Europe, therefore, but not only… Witness China, “ which promised the construction of 135 nuclear reactors by 2035 to reduce its dependence on coal “. Witness India, which wants to double its production within ten years, but also France (project of six reactors) or the United Kingdom (eight reactors) are not left out “, underlines this magazine. As the formula The Expressit is “ revenge of the atom “.
