In the spotlight: the illuminating black of Soulages

In the spotlight the illuminating black of Soulages

The press pays tribute to Pierre Soulages, a French painter who died on Wednesday October 26 at the age of 102. ” Black is in mourning “, title The cross, since he was the undisputed master of this color… which was not supposed to be one. And yet. ” And the dark was “, spear Humanity on the front page. The newspaper describes his invention, ” Outrenoir, as a work on variations, depending on the material, of flat areas, streaks or furrows “, details the human.

Freedwhich titles ” Black Sun », writes that the French contemporary artist had « makes black its signature and, against all logic, a skylight “.

The world adds: ” Soulages seeks to show all that the meeting of black and light can generate, including sensations of other colors, including also a form of sublime “. ” There was the alchemist in him », enthuses Le Figaro…which even recalls Soulages’ own wedding: “the bride was in black she too, on that day in October 1942.

Emmanuel Macron asks for reinforcement on his right

The president was the guest of the program L’Événement, on France 2, Wednesday, October 26. The press notes the outstretched hand of the Head of State to the right, because ” there is fire to the majority », ton Release. The Parisian describe ” an Emmanuel Macron up against the wall », Seeking reinforcement from the Republicans, as Nicolas Sarkozy had advised him. The press also remarks that he multiplies the nods to the former right-wing president, insisting on the reform of pensions, on a ” France of work and merit “…” Nicolas Sarkozy, get out of this body! » mocks Release

Especially since the president criticized the left for a long time: “ Fire on the Nupes “, writes the editorialist of the Figarowho explains that Emmanuel Macron denounced ” the coalition of the extremes to try to create a coalition of the constructive “, Understand: from the moderate left, which was itself shocked to see the RN, a far-right party, join forces with Nupes to vote for their motion of censure.

Macron-Scholz meeting: tentative reconciliation

For West Francethis lunch which was held on Wednesday October 26 at the Elysée Palace between the two men cannot by itself compensate for the absence of a Franco-German summit, postponed to an indefinite date “, after a falling out between the two countries against a backdrop of European inflation. differences that “Arrive at the worst time, comment on it World, as Vladimir Putin tests European solidarity and Franco-German leadership is contested within the 27 »

Le Figaro describe ” a face-to-face agreement posted yesterday, where Paris and Berlin welcomed a constructive meeting. ” But the heart was not there “, regrets the right-wing daily, which notes that the meeting did not give rise to ” a common speech “, a sign that the differences are still very stubborn.
