In the spotlight: the good health of major French groups

In the spotlight the good health of major French groups

Let us reassure ourselves: French industrial giants are euphoric despite the crises “, tell us Le Figaro. With the exception of EDF and its difficulties, ” after Michelin, Saint-Gobain or Danone, at the start of the week, the Schneider, Air Liquide, Total, Stellantis and Sanofi groups unveiled excellent results yesterday in the first semester. Of the ” performances all the more remarkable as these multinationals operate in a terribly chaotic environment “, note Le Figaro : “ high inflation, shortages of all kinds, severe blow to China “.

Yes, the ” French locomotives hold firm », confirm The echoes. The French giants are armed ” and, ” despite the multiplication of shocks, most CAC 40 groups are posting very solid results at the start of the year, but beware, warns the economic daily: Many uncertainties weigh on the second half, the deterioration of the economic outlook is on everyone’s mind “.

The use of profits at the heart of the debates

And the use of profits is also in people’s minds. With an example in The cross notably : ” TotalEnergies, the superprofits of discord “. ” In six months, the tanker has garnered more than 10 billion euros in profits. What relaunch the debate on taxation, and more generally on the use of these profits. » « A direct consequence of the surge in oil prices, these results, which are twice as high as they were a year ago, are not surprising. But they are a task at a time of inflation and purchasing power at half mast », observes The cross.

Humanityfor its part, faithful to its editorial line, denounces the indecency of the powerful “. Mention here to the government and its ” categorical refusal to tax superprofits “, as proposed by the Nupes, as well as to ” large groups ” and their ” bosses “, who them ” are OK ” when the ” French galent “. Went out” strengthened from the pandemic », « they benefit from the war in Ukraine and the energy shock […] regardless of national solidarity “, and they ” have the nerve to call on citizens to “reduce their energy consumption” », is indignant Humanitystarting with the leader of Total, we read, who “ increased his own salary by 52% in 2021, to 5.9 million euros per year “. One of ” responses to social emergency “, it’s not ” not the revolution “, valued Humanitybut ” just the beginning of a new distribution of wealth “.

An economic context unfavorable to the diasporas

Return at all costs », folder to read in the columns ofToday in France who is interested in the situation of the Maghrebian diaspora. ” After nearly two years of an almost total cut due to the pandemic, families of Algerian, Moroccan or Tunisian origin are returning to the bled “. But ” with the rise in the price of plane tickets and the decrease in purchasing power, the holidays leave a funny taste in the mouth “, notes the newspaper.

Despite this, there are many of them at Orly airport, we are told Today in Francelike Hafida and “ her dress with a floral pattern “, this mother of three children who is going to spend 40 days in Tunisia. Or like Widad, 47, also 3 children, who “ waits in front of the Air Algerie counter », and who even « had to make a loan to go to Constantine “. The round trip cost the family more than 2,400 euros. Next year, Widad plans to ” put aside 100 euros every month “, because ” to see my family is priceless “, she says.

Rapper Booba, whistleblower?

Money, the sinews of war… and the motivation of rapper Booba for his new fight! No more clashes with Kaaris obviously, the time of the fights at Orly precisely. Very serious dossier to read on the front page of Release : “ Booba vs. influencers, scams, show-offs and putaclics “. Be careful, it promises. The rap star takes on several social media stars, “ purveyors of small and large scams on the web “, relates Freed. Booba, the Duke of Boulbi as he is nicknamed, even positions himself in ” alert launcher “.

At the start of the case, it reads, ” a fake watch spotted in a photo on the rapper’s wrist, which an influencer mocked “. Booba had actually been scammed and there, after a clash as social networks have the secret, the star ” stung to the quick “, its ” immersed in this half-virtual half-real globalized jungle, of these unscrupulous influencers, often based in Dubai, who make crazy money on the backs of suckers, often teenagers “. But proof that the matter is serious, Booba has launched legal initiatives, several ministries and state services have taken up the phenomenon. And that’s good, because beyond this ” strange cocktail ” Between ” rap star », « tax-exempt influencers ” and ” botoxed reality tv characters “, valued Releasethere is an urgent need to regulate the pitiful universe of these e-commerce disorders “.
