In the spotlight: the Gauls refractory to pension reform

Mobilization against the pension reform There will be others

Two days before another inter-union day of mobilization and strikes against this reform proposed by Emmanuel Macron and the government, an Ifop poll for The Sunday newspaper indicates that 68% of French people are there “ unfavorable », « including 42% absolute refractories “, point The JDD. However, two out of three French people think that the said reform “ will be voted on and applied “.

Darmanin in the seraglio

What make the Minister of the Interior nervous. Gérald Darmanin thus accuses the left of wanting border the country “. It is indeed in these flowery terms that Gérald Darmanin denounces, in an interview with the newspaper The Parisian on Sunday, the behavior of the Nupes, the left alliance, about this reform. The Minister of the Interior accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his Nupes friends of defending “ a leftist idea, bobo, that of a society without work » then, what does he assure, « work is not a disease “.

Size on the left, thrust on the far right… Gérald Darmanin says of his figurehead, Marine Le Pen, that she “ works little and opposes everything. She agrees with all those who are against. That’s probably good polls, but not a stateswoman “, estimates the Minister of the Interior in The Parisian on Sunday.

Philippe Bohn, white wizard

Marine Le Pen, precisely: the hearing granted to her by Senegalese President Macky Sall in Dakar last week was orchestrated by a discreet intermediary. Philippe Bohn, that’s his name, is a regular at African presidential palaces. ” Ex-Mister Africa of the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus, former boss of Air Senegal, Philippe Bohn is also ” adviser, hitherto hidden, of the leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, assures the weekly Point. The site of this magazine specifies that the former boss of Air Senegal advises her ” since 2017 “.

Phillip Bohn familiar with most past and present African heads of state »: from Joseph Kabila to Denis Sassou N’Guesso (…), from Ali Bongo (…) to Paul Kagame (…) via Thabo Mbeki. Without forgetting, of course, Macky Sall (…) a “ friend “, assures Point. This magazine even indicates that in 2010, he will convince Paul Kagame “ to receive Nicolas Sarkozy, in Kigali “. The former French president will put forward the idea of ​​making him his ” Mr Africa “. Before the secretary general of the Élysée, Claude Guéant, opposed it (…) This missed opportunity will have at least prevented Bohn from being involved in what he describes today as “ France’s biggest mistake in Africa : the military intervention in Libya in 2011 “, States Point.

Francis in the Congo

The day after tomorrow the pope is expected in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Can Francis really heal wounds from the Congo? Question asked by The Sunday newspaper. ” With more than 1 million people expected “, the mass of Wednesday, in Kinshasa, “ looks historic “, anticipates this weekly. Mauro Garofalo, of the Sant’Egidio community, hopes that the pope’s voice will give ” a boost to the political class » Congolese, reports The JDD.

America in shock from a new police blunder

Strong emotion, in the United States, after the beating of Tire Nichols by five police officers, in Memphis, on January 10. This African-American succumbed to his injuries. Demonstrations in Washington, New York or Memphis, to protest against this new police blunder on this 29-year-old African-American. Violent, the images of this real lynching shocked part of America, and beyond. The video “ is devastating for law enforcement, highlighted The Sunday newspaper(…) obviously bad habits die hard “.

Séfar, treasure of Algerian parietal art

Trekking in the Great South of Algeria to conclude, with a trip to the lost city of Séfar, a true open-air prehistoric museum, a setting for thousands of cave paintings dating from 8000 years before our era.

Séfar, mystery city, treasure of Tassilian rock and parietal art, three days’ walk from Djanet, with bivouacs at the hotel of 10,000 stars », to contemplate in a multicolored portfolio of the Figaro Magazine. Séfar lost in the sands of Tassili N’Najjer, where, on walls, “ Neolithic peoples painted their daily life, their beliefs and their myths “.

What are these civilizations from the depths of time? Why, in a few fine or thick lines, various flat areas or dots in ochre, yellow, green, purple, white, do they leave animal representations of oxen, elephants, mouflons, giraffes, or human representations of shepherds, hunters, gatherers? asks this weekly. “ No need to unravel the mystery. Just appreciate the indescribable, the wonderful “. And this magazine assures him, the canyon of Tamarit has nothing to envy to the American Grand Canyon “. So if The Fig Mag writing, who am I to delay an immediate departure for Djanet?!.
