In the spotlight: the epilogue of the true-false suspense of the presidential election

In the spotlight the epilogue of the true false suspense of

Of Marine Le Pen or Emmanuel Macron, who will be, this evening, president or president of the Republic? For the French, the hour of choice has come. April 24, 2022, “ a decisive day », Launches the front page of Parisian Sundayand the outcome will be ” historical “emphasizes this newspaper. Marine Le Pen, president, or Emmanuel Macron, president, “ A shock ” in which ” every day fat “, it will be a ” stop or again » for the two finalists, formula The Parisian Sunday.

The Left Alliance (without the PS)

For them, the 2022 presidential election is already a thing of the past. ” Them », it is the activists of the left-wing parties, La France insoumise and the Communist Party, plus the ecologists, who are actively preparing for the legislative elections next June. In The Sunday newspaperthe ecologist Sandrine Rousseau invites the left to ” move towards a coalition with a government program “, thus giving discharge to the proposal of La France insoumise with a view to a programmatic agreement for the legislative elections. ” Let’s fill the Assembly, said to the JDD Sandrine Rousseau, then walk towards Matignon “.

The voices of his master

Largely, this week, in the magazine press too, the same voting instructions. But what do his readers think? Via an Ifop poll, the weekly Marianne posed the question to his subscribers. And the result is final. At the question : ” In your opinion, should a media give voting instructions during a presidential election? », 94% of subscribers to Marianne answer “ Nope “, against 6% who answer” yes “. Note that, if, in the form of boxes, this survey illustrates the editorial of the printed edition of this magazine, it does not appear on the online version of this editorial.

Mariannemoreover, publishes the results of a second Ifop poll, on the vote in the first round of the presidential election – not of subscribers to this newspaper – but of all French people according to their media habits such as reading newspapers, listening to the radio or choosing their favorite television channels.

Result : ” Do you watch the news from France 2? Do you read “Paris Match”? Do you listen to Europe 1? You are… macronist! Know it », signals Mariannewhile a regular listener to NRJ radio has “ more chances “to vote for Le Pen” than a France Info listener “. More generally, this survey indicates that, on average, readers of news magazines, which are here every Sunday, ask “ vote for the president-candidate with 35.5% “, points out this newspaper. But ” also beware of “class effects”, warns Marianne : buying a newspaper regularly is expensive “. The RFI press review is free. Fortunately !

Putin the African

Behind the scenes of the war in Ukraine, finally, with the strategy led by Vladimir Putin in Africa in recent years. It is now paying off. It is a pro-Russian demonstration organized on March 5 in Bangui, the Central African capital. In the photo posted by The Express, we can see a Russian flag and two signs held up by demonstrators. On one, the slogan ” Russia saves the Donbass », In french in the text ; on the other is written that ¯ It’s NATO’s fault”.

To analyze this pro-Putin activism in Africa, The Express notably questioned Arnaud Kalika. Director of the Russian seminar at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Cnam), this researcher remarks in The Express that, for a dozen years already, Putin anticipates Western sanctions and seeks plans B “. This weekly points out that Russia’s special envoy for Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, ” went there 50 times from 2014 to 2019 !

French businessman close to Congolese President Denis Sassou-N’Guesso as well as Russian business circles, Jean-Yves Ollivier, in The Express again, emphasizes that Africa has memory. She remembers the NATO intervention in Libya against Gaddafi (in 2011) or the invasion in Iraq “. Conclusion of this magazine, Putin knows that manganese and bauxite, two minerals essential to Russian industry, ” will soon run out. That’s good, Africa is full of them “. You said strategy…
