In the spotlight: the editorial offensive against Marine Le Pen

In the spotlight the editorial offensive against Marine Le Pen

On the final day of the official electoral campaign for the second round of the presidential election in France, the daily newspapers join forces to encourage their readers to vote for Macron. Even if it means, sometimes, offending the sensitivity of its readers, as for example newspaper columnist The cross. While admitting that ” the responsibility of a newspaper is not to dictate conduct », this confrere hears « assume a disagreement with some of its readers “. While agreeing that opinion has hardened “, that ” the attraction for extremes is stronger “and that the Catholics” are no exception “, he calls them to vote Macron…

While admitting that the renewal of the latter ” would not magically remove the deep fractures that run through French society “, because the tenant of the Élysée ” is no longer the new man who burst onto the political scene a few years ago “. While confessing that: The French know its limits “.

No Jesuitism, on the other hand, under the pen of the editorialist of Humanity, but with the martial accents of the great evenings, plus a promise of tomorrows that sing. Here, Emmanuel Macron is, of course, “ the opponent “, but Marine Le Pen, she is” the enemy !

So ? So the communist daily ensures that, the day after the second round, ” another perspective will open up, that of legislative elections with the widest possible gathering of all left-wing forces “.

Low interest of the French for the duel Macron / Le Pen

Never has a debate between the two presidential rounds attracted so few viewers, highlighted Le Figaro.They were only 15.6 million in front of their post on Wednesday eveningall channels combined, i.e. twice less than in 1981. The difference is spectacular when France now has twelve million additional inhabitants “, is dumbfounded Le Figaro. Which daily sees it as a sign of ” the indifference of a growing part of the French, who no longer believe at all in the promises of political speeches. She also translates the rejection of the poster proposed this yearbetween two personalities who arouse, one and the other, very little enthusiasm “.

What a winner for the debate ?

According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figaro56% of French people found that Emmanuel Macron was overall ” more convincing than Marine Le Pen, 44% thinking the opposite. It is still 16 points less than in 2017 for Emmanuel Macron (and therefore, ipso facto16 more for Marine Le Pen).

This survey indicates that the French found Emmanuel Macron more convincing than his rival about ” France’s place internationally » ; ” the way of governing and the functioning of institutions » ; ” economic growth and competitiveness “. Conversely, the French found Marine Le Pen more convincing than her rival about the ” retreats » ; of the ” security “but also of” immigration “, noted Le Figaro.

Tribute from the press to actor, director and producer Jacques Perrin

Moviegoers will long remember Second Lieutenant Torrens, of The 317and Sectionwho trudged through the jungle of Indochina, in homage to the French heroes of Diên Biên Phu.

Jacques Perrin has surrendered; and Release salute this boy reserved for the stiffness of the first of the class, a little old France who passed away at the age of 80. To pay tribute to him too, this morning, the press is playing… The chorists.
