In the spotlight: the debate on pensions, with a setback for the government…

the National Assembly rejects the article creating a senior index

For the government of Elisabeth Borne, this is a first cut in its pension reform, exclaims The world. Yesterday evening, MPs rejectedshortly before midnight, Article 2 (of the bill), creating a “senior indexes” in companies, by 256 votes against, 203 for. A first defeat also for the elected representatives of the presidential coalition on this text, the main measure of which is the decline in the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years old. Beyond the expected opposition from the Nupes and the National Rally to this “senior indexes”, the result of the ballot tipped due to the vote against of 38 deputies Les Républicains – out of 61. Among them, the president of the group, Olivier Marleix. All dispute the usefulness and even the constitutionality of the introduction of such a tool by means of a bill for the amending Social Security financing bill. »

This negative vote promises another three days of suspense and tension at the Palais Bourbon, where the debates will end on Friday, with or without a global vote, for a transfer of the text to the Senate.

Assembly: calm down! »

Will the discussions to come in the hemicycle be calm? Not sure given the heckling, the invectives and even insults which have been launched through the ranks of the Assembly in recent days.

And this Wednesday morning, some newspapers are getting annoyed, like The Dispatch.Assembly : calms you ! “Launches the Toulouse daily on the front page. The Dispatch which sends majority and opposition back to back: “ By choosing a very short timetable set by article 47.1 – when the law on marriage for all had benefited from four months of debate – Emmanuel Macron and his government, who want to end it quickly, have put parliament under tension. And by filing thousands of amendments in response, Nupes for its part prevents substantive debate on all of the articles. While the demonstrations are linked in the street with calm and dignity, we muststill believes La Dépêche, that the Assembly, in mirror image, contain excesses and excesses, and rediscover the seriousness and civic sense of its mission. »

A bad left…

Release also points to what he calls ” the strategic error of Nupes : by pushing the conflict so far to respond to the procedural brutality of the executive, the troops of Jean-Luc Mélenchon go beyond certain limits and risk distancing voters who have gone to Le Pen a little further from the left. »

Release more widely believes that the French left is in bad shape. How to deny it, after the new presidential impasse of a Mélenchon, the environmentalist disappointment of a Jadot, the socialist crash of a Hidalgo, the false hope of a Roussel ? Admittedly, the creation of the Nupes made it possible to save the furniture during the legislative elections. But the debates of recent days in the National Assembly on pension reform demonstrate once again the fragility of the coupling. »

► To listen too : Pension reform: “The index of seniors is necessary”, says Prisca Thevenot

And Release to state that “ the Nupes should take the seed of the Spanish and Portuguese rulers, who keep their promises of social progress. […] Our rebellious leaders, socialists or ecologists would do well to make a little studious pilgrimage to their Spanish and Portuguese friends, who govern, not without difficulty of course, but who govern and demonstrate that progressive ideals are not to be thrown out the window, on the contrary ! »

… and a right that is hardly better off

The right is not the best either. This is what notices The world :The pension reform has awakened a new internal war at LR which goes beyond the simple conflict of people. […] The man who is driving his LR comrades crazy and by extension the government is called Aurelien Pradie. From the top of his 36 years, the deputy of Lot, beautiful stature and smoky look, threatens not to vote for the pension reform. What Aurélien Pradié attacks head on in the name of “the social right” that he claims to defend is the liberal economic line embodied in turn by François Fillon, then Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election: reduction of deficits, reduction in public spending and taxes. Éric Ciotti and Bruno Retailleau believe that this orientation is part of LR’s DNA. He fights her head-on. »

Result, sigh Le Figaro : “ Diminished from ballot to ballot, the Republicans are dreaded by a new division, the next one being probably fatal to them. »
