It took place at the end of the morning, yesterday, rue d’Enghien, in the tenth arrondissement of Paris. Balance sheet, three dead, a woman and two men and three wounded, one still considered in the evening in state “ absolutely urgent », and two others in « relative urgency “.
An attack ” in two times “, sums up the newspaper The Parisian. She first touched the Kurdish cultural center Ahmet Kaya then a hairdressing salon located a few meters away, “ where the man was overpowered after opening fire “. The alleged shooter, William M., 69, is a retired former train conductor who had just been released from prison and was due to stand trial for attacking two men with sabers in a migrant camp in the 12th arrondissement a year ago. While in police custody, the man would have recognized the dimension ” racial of his attack, reports this daily. Which, in One, evokes ” a racist attack in the heart of Paris “.
In the neighborhood, where the Kurdish community is very present, it was a shock. President of the Kurdish cultural center of Paris, Azad Dogan told the Parisian what a man ” did not shoot at random, he returned to the center before going to a hairdresser, also Kurdish! It’s political. Even if the shooter is French, the Turkish state is behind “. According to this newspaper, the man was said to have used a Colt 45 and had around 40 additional rounds of ammunition “.
racist attack
For the French press, therefore, the racist nature of this attack in the heart of Paris is beyond doubt. While a demonstration of support for the victims of this attack is organized this Saturday, Place de la République, in Paris, Le Figaro reports that six years ago, the alleged killer ” had been the victim of a burglary or an altercation with a worker who came to his home, and had responded by stabbing his assailant “. Last year, this man attacked a migrant camp in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, behind the Accor Hotel Arena. ” The man had slashed tents with saber blows. Two men were injuredcomplete Le Figaro. For these last facts, he had been indicted in February 2022 for racist violence with a weapon and premeditation. “.
So, racist this attack? Le Figaro points out that, ” in the perimeter of the cultural center of the rue d’Enghien, this Frenchman, retired from the SNCF, where he was a driver (…) would have made, during his attack, remarks with a xenophobic connotation”. “ Not specifically anti-Kurdish, insists a government source ” in Le Figaro.
In any case, if this affair questions the responsibility of justice, the police, and probably also psychiatric services “, point Release“ it is also necessary to place this act in a context of the rise in power in France of extremist and racist groups which can push certain individuals to take action “, Analyzes this daily. ” Faced with this, we must not tolerate any impunity or trivialization », hammers Freed.
Macron, Lebanese leader
In Lebanon, it is necessary ” of ” change leadership ! Opinion signed Emmanuel Macron. In an interview with the Lebanese daily An Naharbut also to the French newspaper The world and the American daily wall street journalthe Head of State also considered that it was necessary “ disengage » Politicians who block reforms. “ Lebanon’s problem is to solve people’s problems and release those who do not know how to do it “, said Emmanuel Macron who has tried in vain since September 2020 to bring the political class to initiate the reforms necessary to get the country out of the political and economic crisis. ” Then, restructure the financial system and then make a plan with an honest president, an honest prime minister and a team that will roll out this plan and that will have the support of the street “, continued the French president.