In the spotlight: the Blues play the Polish

In the spotlight the Blues play the Polish

The Blues challenge Poland in the round of 16 of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. ” Led by Mbappé, the Blues are favorites », Launches the front page of Sunday newspaper. According to this weekly, the Blues, this afternoon, will go to the Al-Thumama stadium in the south of Doha “ with a beacon of favorites at the front of the coach “. However, he hastens to add, historically, this has rarely been a comfortable status for them “. Especially since the Polish team, “ has only had four shots on target since the start of the tournament but she is still there, when Germany have found the target 24 times and have already left Qatar “, remark The JDD.

The Team hardly write anything else. ” The Blues in pole position », launches in goldsmith the One of this newspaper. Will this France-Poland match be a “ epic base camp ” bruises ? As The JDDfar from flaunting, The Team hesitate in the face of vertigo “of this game” without return, except at home (…) the hesitation between the suitcases and the great adventure, with nothing in the middle, just an abyss where regrets crash “.

A close game will therefore be played this afternoon in Qatar, between Poland and France. A football game…

Multipolar football

As we can see, this World Cup lives in competition time. To wonder if the criticisms of before its kick-off on human rights or the environment ever existed. But all the same, football is also “ a sport of ideological combat “, highlighted Marianne. “ No need to be a fine political scientist to know that a major sporting event is a skilful staging of international relations. A fortiori when this event concerns the most globalized sport by far, and when it takes place in a country which makes no secret of investing in it for a matter of image, believes this weekly. We have talked so much about the absolute scandal of the awarding of this World Cup to Qatar (scandal from which everyone recovers once the show has started). We brandished the boycott weapon. We watched for flashes of aware players… But the bottom line is not so much the absurdity of air-conditioned stadiums or the carbon footprint as this brutal evidence: the 2022 World Cup is a chemically pure moment of applied geopolitics . More, much more, than those that preceded it. A mondovision show of the recomposition of blocks. With symbols and images “, States Marianne.

Instead of the block against block of yesteryear, the map offered by the World Cup in Qatar is as shifting and deceptive as the sands of the desert. What about the united front of “progressives” anxious to show their attachment to “human rights” flouted by the Qatari regime? In fact, it does not exist. Or no longer exists, tip this magazine. Almost all the federations were silent, and by mimicking a gagging during their pre-match against Japan, the German team was one of the few to demonstrate against the banning of the anti-discrimination armband “One Love ” », notes Marianne.

Macron all around

Back from his state visit to the United States and at the end of it, Emmanuel Macron spoke to the press several times. On all current topics. In a newspaper interview The Parisian Sundaythe French president defended “ the idea of ​​subsidizing made in Europe “. The Head of State also reiterated the objective of maintaining aid to Ukraine, particularly as winter approaches, so that the latter has more weight in possible negotiations. Asked about possible power cuts, Emmanuel Macron, in The Parisian Sundayinvites the French to don’t panic “.

In this interview, the French president also denounces the “ lies from the Iranian authorities and said he had put a very firm pressure “on his Iranian counterpart in the face of imprisonment” unacceptable of French nationals.

Ciotti in pole position

Closing, this evening at 5 p.m. UT, of the first round of the election at the head of the right-wing party Les Républicains. Voters will decide between three candidates: Aurélien Pradié, Bruno Retailleau and Éric Ciotti. “ Favorite of the election for the presidency of LR, (Éric Ciotti) avoids any blow of brilliance, note The Express. A way not to burden his ability to gather in the second round… and after “, explains this weekly.

Who would have imagined it, remark Point ? Eric Ciotti respects the leader of Nupes, he admires his culture, although he fights his ideas. Who knows that he is happy to chat with Alexis Corbière, another pillar of LFI ? “, asks this magazine. Former president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, first of the macronists, worked for a long time with the quaestor Ciotti, in charge of the budget of the deputies. In private, he does not hide that he appreciated, (…) to work with this man whom he considers rigorous, so urban and pragmatic. They never clung. ” He is professional, solid, reliable. So goes Eric Ciotti, much less intransigent than his caricature. I respect all those who are sincere in their convictions, he explains. Politics is not war. The most violent I’ve known, the lowest blows, came from my side “.
