In the spotlight: the barometer down for Macron

In the spotlight the barometer down for Macron

Double alert for Emmanuel Macron. The popularity rating of the French president down 4 points in January. And seven out of ten French people judge its security record severely. According to an Ifop poll for The Sunday Journal, “ the Head of State only has 37% of satisfied people (-4 points in one month)”, the total of dissatisfied people increasing by 5 points to reach 60%. Four points less in a month? This is “the largest drop observed since (March 2021) “, highlighted The JDD. For Emmanuel Macron, “ while the polls of voting intentions remain stable, the first cracks appear in its base of popularity “, notes this weekly.

Another Ifop poll for The JDD, the one relating to the results of its fight against insecurity: 69% of French people have a negative opinion, against 31% who think the opposite. Emmanuel Macron is here” in hazardous area », warns The Sunday Journal.

Weekly in which the Minister of the Interior defends Emmanuel Macron’s security record. Nevertheless, ” we still need to improve the safety of the French people “, admits Gérarld Darmanin in The JDD.

Boot noises in Ukraine

Will Putin attack Ukraine? Question asked by The Express, weekly on the front page of which the face of the head of the Kremlin appears caricatured as a red devil with inflamed pupils.

Will Putin go on the military offensive in Ukraine, he who, for several months, “ maintains tens of thousands of men at its borders, leaving the possibility of an intervention »? In the Donbass border region, despite the sound of boots, ” few believe in an invasion, observe on the spot The Express (…) Invading a country of 44 million inhabitants is one thing, occupying it is another. Which represents a considerable logistical challenge “.

Pig with a big heart

A major medical first at the start of 2022, the implantation of a pig’s heart in a human being. A genetically modified animal. Report in Bavaria from the magazine Point in a pigsty that nothing distinguishes from the others around, but the visit of which requires a washing beforehand ” from head to toe “. Here, one in five pigs is genetically modified because “ dedicated to research on xenotransplantation – the transplant into one individual of organs taken from another belonging to a different species “, Explain Point.

Being reminded that, on January 7, David Bennett, 57, was the first man to have received a porcine heart transplant (and not a monkey heart), a Swiss scientist explains to the Point that pork is easier to genetically modify than primates “. For this weekly, therefore, no hesitation, ” the pig is the future of man !

The price of beauty

Remuneration at least that paid to the candidates of the last Miss France contest. For the first time, at the end of 2021, the candidates were entitled to an employment contract. Being reminded that the Osez le féminisme association had filed a complaint with the prudhommes (for discrimination in particular) against the organization of the Miss France beauty contest, a former candidate questioned by The Parisian Sunday ensures that the participants were paid €84 per day, i.e. €252 net in all. The equivalent of the minimum wage “, the minimum salary.

Taking into account the time of presence at the rehearsals of the show, the candidates were paid ” less than €7 per hour on the day of the ceremony “, calculated this newspaper, while the television channel TF1, which broadcast the beauty contest, “ billed advertisers €114,000 gross for the 30-second ad spot “. Gotta live well…” The procedure before the industrial tribunal continues », signals The Parisian Sunday. Next hearing in June.

Gims, the rapper who slips

Gims breaks the silence. In early January, the Congolese rapper caused an uproar by posting a video in which he felt that celebrating Christmas or wishing a happy new year was “ not muslim “. Of this he is ” really sorry “. And he confesses it. “ This video, I totally regret it “, says Gims to the Sunday newspaper. For his first interview since this outcry, the rapper denies being a bigamist, even specifying that he got married ” once “. And he also claims not to support Valérie Pécresse!
