In the spotlight: the agreement concluded between the Socialist Party and La France insoumise with a view to the legislative elections

In the spotlight the agreement concluded between the Socialist Party

For the month of June ‘tout becomes possible », prophesies Release for who ” seeing these four formations (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF) initial such a text, while some had not spoken to each other for fifteen years is indeed historic “. A vote must still take place this evening within the socialist party but the newspaper assures it: “ the first secretary of the Socialist Party is confident. He repeats in all tones that it is not an absorption into Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement but a coalition: each color will have its own independence at the Palais Bourbon. »

Humanity also sees things in a very good light and assures that with such an agreement the left takes a “ new start “because once” social-liberalism buried, it becomes profoundly and clearly social and anti-liberal “. A line more to the left than that defended by the PS since 1980 stands out from this agreement, it is noted below; a historian analyzes the last four decades: “ the mandate of François Hollande completed this evolution by completely assuming liberalism. “This agreement therefore signs” a profound change for the whole of the left “.

A change that goes in the direction of “radicalism”, according to a CNRS researcher interviewed by Opinion

It’s a rally and not a negotiation “, he specifies. The newspaper also asks: In the PS who will give in to the temptation of dissident candidacies? »

Le Figaro also the question arises because according to the statutes, candidates committing themselves against left-wing contenders will be expelled from the party”. “I don’t care, the PS is dead” sweeps away an opponent ” quoted by the newspaper that raises this question “ without a structure behind them, how will they spend the 30,000 euros or so needed to campaign? And, if elected, in which groups will they sit in the Assembly? »

There “ radicalization “from the left” imposed » by Jean-Luc Mélenchon would suit Emmanuel Macron, it is in any case what is supported in the editorial because « for the Head of State, this shock and this refusal of an ideological submission that breaks with a number of fundamentals of the so-called “government” left can be the occasion for a whole bloc of leftist electorate. »

Also in the spotlight: the war in Ukraine

In the pages of the newspaper The world, one can read the testimonies of survivors of Azovstal. They were able to be evacuated from the Mariupol factory and describe the incessant bombardments, the darkness in which they were plunged for two months, the cries of the children, the hunger.

A head of the UN evacuation operation is questioned by Release. Regarding the number of people still present in the factory, she replies: No one knows. But it is certain that there are still people and that it is very difficult to extricate oneself from them. Some older women could barely walk. I don’t even know how they managed to climb the ruins. »

Illustration of the selflessness of some Ukrainians, Le Figaro evokes the case of a village near kyiv which chose to blow up the nearby dam to create a flood and slow down the Russian advance towards the capital.

For Russia it is always a special operation on the country, recalls The Parisian that Vladimir Putin might use the word “ war for the first time in a few days, on May 9, on the occasion of the commemoration of Moscow’s victory over Nazism.

The international sanctions taken so far have not made it possible to slow down Russia, but the press is also returning to a track studied by Europe, a possible embargo on Russian oil. The echoes however, are interested in the consequences that this could have. ” This context risks exacerbating inflationary pressures in Europe. Especially if further gas supply disruptions were to be implemented by Moscow “.

A worrying heat wave in India and Pakistan

The cross in fact its one. Because in some regions the temperatures are close to 50 degrees and this affects the lives of several million people. ” In Delhi, where groundwater is already on the brink of depletion, a water crisis is on the cards »; in Pakistan, the heat wave “ raises fears of the rupture of glacial lakes formed by melting glaciers “.

Le Figaro Talk about ” heat wave of all dangers and reminds us that without a certain level of humidity, such temperatures seriously damage the human body. Both articles of course highlight climate change.
