In the spotlight: the 100 days of the war in Ukraine, a conflict which, therefore, is bogged down

In the spotlight the 100 days of the war in

Its number of days has increased from 2 to 3 digits. One hundred days later, until when ? “Can Ukraine” hold “, asks himself The Parisian ? In Ukraine, it is now a “modern version of 14-18” which we are given to witness, formulates this daily.

These are the hundred days that have changed the world », raises Le Figaro. According to this newspaper, the time has come for the West to ask itself what victory it wants. Obviously, the price to pay for a hypothetical defeat of Putin will be unbearable. It is therefore up to him to outline an exit through negotiation, acceptable to Moscow and kyiv “.

Another war, on the other hand, is well forgotten, the one that bloodies Yemen, and in which French arms groups are singled out.

The Dassault and Thales groups, among others, accused of ” complicity on the front page of the newspaper Humanity. Emphasizing the filing of a criminal complaint by three French NGOs against these jewels of French armament “ for their possible complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated in Yemen », the communist daily denounces « thelimitless hypocrisy ” of the French public authorities in the arms trade, insofar as, he accuses, ” the French merchants of death of course benefited from the full support of an executive never embarrassed by its honeymoon with the Gulf petromonarchies Persian (or Arabo-Persian, it depends).

And while the populations count their dead, the French arms giants, ” count their record sales », lumberjack Humanityby denouncing with a formula the omerta around the war in Yemen: silence, we arm “.

In France, the chaos of the final of the Champions League football, last Saturday, at the Stade de France, continues to cause a stir. The Minister of the Interior has explained himself in vain, nothing helps, the French are not convinced by the arguments of Gérald Darmanin

According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figaro, four out of five French people believe that the explanations of the Minister of the Interior are “not convincing”. Six out of ten French people think that young offenders from the housing estates near the stadium bear a very important responsibility in the fiasco », Reports Le Figaro. Only 35% of respondents believe that the responsibility of Liverpool club supporters is ” very important “.

For more than one in two French people, these incidents show that France is ” ill-prepared to host the Rugby World Cup next year and the Olympics in 2024 “. For 46%, conversely, “ Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. “. Finally, it should be noted that, for nine out of ten respondents, these incidents “give a bad image of France in the rest of the world”, further points out Le Figaro.

Finally, the spotlight is on the 14th Biennial of Contemporary African Art in Dakar, capital of Senegal, where proof has been given – if it were needed – that the “ culture woke » inspires creators

The Dakar Biennale? It’s “the festival of African culture”, launches Release. On the spot, in fact, this daily reports that being in search of ” new audiences », the fourteenth edition of this cultural event is dominated by « post-colonial and ecological questions “.

Post-colonial questions? This obvious reference to what is now called the “culture woke surging on the planet from the United States, translates into the “ editorial choice of the organizers.

Witness the presence on site of the artist Omar Ba, who lives and works ” between Dakar and New York », signals Freedand that ” paints large canvases where characters, half-men, half-animals, embody the traumas of colonialism “.

Witness the Belgian collective Troubled Archiveswho “ works with the stereotypical images taken by the colonizers to deconstruct them “.

And Release does not fail to emphasize ” the interest of private investors for this “expanding” sector. Business is business.
