In the spotlight: ten years later, the tribute to the victims of Mohamed Merah

In the spotlight ten years later the tribute to the

It was “ the scooter killer “, formula The Midi Dispatch. Murdering three paratroopers, three Jewish schoolchildren and a teacher, he bloodied the region of Toulouse, south-central France. On March 22, 2012, the elite unit of the French police will put an end to its furious equipped.

The commemoration of these attacks, today in Toulouse, south-central France, will bring together 2,000 guests, including French Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Israeli Isaac Herzog, as well as former heads of state François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy.

Sarko’s silences

This last “ should not come out of silence » today, in Toulouse, reports The Sunday newspaper. Why this lack of information? Because, for several days, the French press had only been buzzing with a rumor, that of the supposed rallying of Nicolas Sarkozy to the Macron candidacy. But the person concerned hates being forced “, says his former communications adviser Franck Louvrier to theJDD.

America arms Ukraine and the world dances on a volcano

Meanwhile, the war continues in Ukraine. And behind its borders, NATO forces stand guard, including in the air. Report in full sky of the weekly Le Figaro Magazine. Which notes that, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, ” the sky of Poland is charged (…) at the outposts of the new cold war (…) the border of Poland (being) well the extreme point of the danger “.

As admitted Le Figaro MagazineAmericans are went to great lengths to arm the Ukrainians. Since 2014 and the war in Donbass, they have delivered 3.5 billion dollars worth of arms and equipment. (…) Thus, in one week after the start of the conflict, some 17,000 anti-tank weapons were transported by air to the borders of Poland and Romania, then by convoy to kyiv (…) A unprecedented device that can be compared to that of the blockade of Berlin “. So ? So Le Figaro Magazine warns that ” these weapon supplies (…) each time bring the lighter closer to the wick “.

Is the “13” infiltrated in Ukraine?

The weapons delivered to Ukraine, therefore, but perhaps not only… Are the French secret services present on Ukrainian soil? Question asked by The Express. Officially, no French forces intervening directly in Ukraine. But clandestinely… who knows? In this weekly, in any case, an “interlocutor” evokes ” the support of the 13th regiment of parachute dragoons, expert in human intelligence in crisis zones, for the DRM (the Military Intelligence Directorate) or the special operations command “. The “experts” of The Expressestimate that there could be some “100 to 200” members of the French secret services in Ukraine today », Says this newspaper.

The Hunger War

Another question, even more dramatic (for Africa, in particular): could the war in Ukraine cause famines there? What about food riots? Question this time asked by the weekly Point. ” On the Euronext futures market, the price of a tonne of common wheat (March maturity) rose from 263 euros on February 16 to 422 euros on March 7, a jump of 61%. », is terrified Point. This is ” a disaster for developing countries that are wheat importers, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Turkey, Brazil, but also Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Without forgetting Egypt, the world’s leading wheat importer, 70% of which comes from Russia and Ukraine, highlighted Point. Beyond the riots it risks provoking in many poor countries, the current surge in wheat prices is going to cause hundreds of millions of people to suffer from severe hunger in Africa, Asia and South America, also die in large numbers of babies and old people, the first victims of malnutrition », warns Point.
