In the spotlight: taxing super profits

In the spotlight taxing super profits

This is one of the priority objectives of the left in this new school year. ” super profits : the left challenges Macron “, spear Humanity on the front page. ” Communists, rebellious, socialists and ecologists, who held their summer universities this weekend, have multiplied the proposals to tax capital and draw another policy. (…) With all due respect to the Cassandres, this weekend showed that the desire to unite forces on the left is stronger than ever. »

super profits : Terminal put to the super-challenge exclaims Release. ” While Elisabeth Borne is expected this Monday in front of the Medef, the member formations of the Nupes have multiplied the signs of unity to demand the taxation of large companies “, notes the newspaper. And it’s ” a legitimate question “, valued Release. Because, ” for some large companies, this is not the time for restrictions. It’s even the opposite : a recent study assures that the dividends paid to the shareholders of these economic behemoths will reach new heights in 2022. Particularly in France (+33 %). to summarize : this is not the crisis for everyone. (…) While the government is asking public opinion to tighten their belts, the question is all the more legitimate since some of these companies that give super-gifts to their shareholders are taking advantage of… the price increase of energy linked in particular to the war in Ukraine “.

So conclude Releaselet’s face it, uniting on a subject like this isn’t the most complicated thing on the left. But all the same ! The Nupes partners would have been wrong to deprive themselves : Obviously, the majority floats on the subject. While she is expected this Monday in front of the Medef troops, Elisabeth Borne herself reopened the door on Saturday to the idea of ​​taxing these super profits. But only half… »

The price of electricity multiplied by 10

The Prime Minister will therefore face the bosses on Monday… Élisabeth Borne explained on Saturday that she was not closing the door to a possible taxation of the super profits of multinationals. Will she hold the same language before the Medef? What is sure, point The echoesthing is that she ” will ask companies to reduce their energy consumption by 10 % in the next weeks “.

And this is the other big topic of the day: the soaring price of electricity and gas, which is hitting businesses hard, but also individuals. ” How high will your bill increase go? ?, is alarmed The Parisian. From 85 euros per megawatt hour last year, we expect a record level of more than 1000 euros at the beginning of next year. It’s 10 times more… »

What are we going to pay?

So ask yourself The Parisianafter a year under anaesthesia, thanks to the price shield which has enabled the French people not to bear the full brunt of soaring prices but which has already cost public finances more than 20 billion, is the government considering a harsh return to reality for all households subscribing to gas or electricity ? (…) The head of government promises that the executive will cushion the rises in energy prices after the end of the tariff shield scheduled for December, with in particular the establishment of more specific measures “for the most fragile”. For his part, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire assures that the increase in electricity and gas in 2023 will be “contained”. “.

But with what order of magnitude? ” The most likely lead for the moment, respond The Parisian, it is an increase in gas and electricity prices of between 10 and 20 %, with a reinforcement of the energy check. Because the government is caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he cannot let the country’s debt slip away again, at a time when rates are rising. And on the other, the memory of the Yellow Vests movement remains very vivid. »

Objective moon !

Also on the front page: the Artemis rocket leaves for the Moon… “ Unheard of for fifty years, notice Release, NASA is due to launch a rocket on Monday towards our natural satellite. An event that prepares the resumption of human exploration of space. With Mars, why not, in the next few years?

Comment of Free lunch : “ This new space challenge could not have come at a better time. For a few moments, the take-off of the Artémis rocket will make the world forget its anxieties about global warming, the health crisis, the threats of nuclear war and rising prices… »
