In the spotlight: Social crisis in Panama

In the spotlight Social crisis in Panama

Demonstrations against the high cost of living continue in the country still paralyzed by roadblocks. According to the newspaper La Prensa, armed men intercepted a humanitarian convoy on Wednesday. It is about a hundred trucks loaded with food products intended for the capital where the shortage is increasingly felt. The lockdowns have worsened the economic and social situation in the country. The Chamber of Commerce believes that food security is at stake “, according La Prensa.

Trade unions await government response

At a meeting, the organizations behind the protests in the country agreed on a list of eight demands to begin negotiations with the government of President Laurentino Cortizo. Among these claims cited by The Estrellalowering and freezing the price of fuels, energy, medicines and basic foodstuffs.

The government has not yet reacted to these requests. For the time being, the organizations are therefore maintaining the pressure and continuing the demonstrations. The newspaper La Prensa wonders about the president’s silence. “ Where did Laurentino Cortizo go? headlines the daily, criticizing the authorities for their inability to act.

► To read also: The crisis worsens in Panama

Uruguay negotiates with China

Another subject of tension, the Mercosur summit which takes place this Thursday in the Paraguayan capital Assumption. Uruguay, one of the four members of the economic bloc, has offended some of its partners, notably Argentina. Uruguay has decided to negotiate a free trade agreement with China. What is formally prohibited by the statutes of Mercosur: a member country cannot negotiate such a treaty bilaterally with a third country.

Despite Argentina’s opposition, Uruguay persists and signs. ” The country will continue its trade negotiations with China “, writes the newspaper El País. But according to The ObserverPresident Luis Lacalle Pou will try to convince his colleagues at the summit to extend the negotiations to all Mercosur countries.

Another bone of contention: the request of the Ukrainian president to make a speech by videoconference at the summit. Uruguay was in favor, but Argentina and Brazil refused to give the floor to Volodymyr Zelensky.

► To read also: South America, China sows discord in Mercosur

Washington sanctions senior Central American officials

The United States is significantly expanding a list of senior Latin American officials deemed too corrupt to work with the US government. The so-called “Engel” list, first compiled last year by the US Congress, includes dozens of officials from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. According to the newspaper Universalthe Biden administration accuses them of corruption, obstruction of justice and drug trafficking.

Persons on this list are prohibited from entering the United States. Consequences of this measure, for certain Central American governments, it will be more difficult to do business with Washington “, Write the Los Angeles Times. But, continues the newspaper, this sanction “ will also complicate US efforts to combat illegal immigration from the so-called Northern Triangle countries – El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala – as many potential partners would be disqualified to participate in the negotiations.
