In the spotlight: six ministers threatened in the legislative elections

applications off the beaten track

Legislative elections in France? It will be the battle of all dangers for six ministers, including Clément Beaune in Paris. In the 7th district of the capital, an Ifop poll for The Sunday newspaper and SouthRadio indicates that the rebellious candidate Catherine Mecary would take the lead in the first round: 41% of the voting intentions for her, against 36% for the Minister in charge of Europe. In the second round, the left-wing candidate would win, with 51% of the vote, against 49% for Clément Beaune, indicates The JDD.

The risk of being beaten, and therefore of having to be excluded from the government? He is ” real ” for ” six ministers in delicate situation “, warns this weekly. In addition to Clément Beaune, The JDD evokes the cases of Justine Benin, in Guadeloupe, Amélie de Montchalin, in Essonne, near Paris, Stanislas Guérini, in Paris, Brigitte Bourguignon, in the north of France, and Damien Abad, in the east.

In The Sunday newspaper also, Manuel Bompard, right arm of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accuses Emmanuel Macron of wanting “ step over the legislative », and thinks that the candidates of the Nupes (the left alliance), can be « present in the second round in nearly 500 constituencies out of 577.

KO standing for Darmanin after the chaos of the Stadium

And the controversy over the chaos, eight days ago, at the Stade de France, did not help the government, and in particular for the Minister of the Interior. The magazine The Express is not tender with Gérald Darmanin. ” The fiasco of the Champions League final at the Stade de France (…) and these images of chaos broadcast in mondovision tell a good story about the dysfunction of the police channel. No offense to the rantings of Gérald Darmanin », hammers The Express.

Putin, the tropism of cancer in the press

The war in Ukraine now, with, this week, questions about the state of health of the Russian president. Vladimir Putin sick? That’s what he said Newsweek. Referring to a classified report drawn up at the end of May by Washington, this American magazine claims that Vladimir Putin would have undergone treatment in April for cancer “ at an advanced stage “.

In France, the weekly The Obs points out that Vladimir Putin travels with a team of five doctors (including a thyroid cancer specialist)”, and that he must participate in meetings “interrupted by breaks to receive care “.

Out of stock at the arsenal

On the ground, the military situation remains confused in the eastern region of Donbass, where the belligerents are beginning to run out of ammunition, starting with the Ukrainian army. Shortly after the start of the Russian offensive, the Ukrainian General Staff having declared the need for 500 anti-tank missiles Javelin daily, weekly The Express points out that “ the annual production capacities hardly reach 6 000 pieces per year “. According to this magazine, the case of Soviet-designed ammunition, still widely used by the Ukrainian forces, appears to be the other big black spot. At the current rate of fighting, they will be exhausted very quickly. “. And switch to Western weapons systems “ will necessarily take time “, warns a former commander of the American forces in Europe named Ben Hodges in The Express.

The Lilliputian Moldova

Neighboring Ukraine, there is a country that the fate of Ukraine is deeply concerned about, it is Moldova. ” The sound of boots ruthlessly crushing Ukraine has become deafening. And Moldova filed its application for membership of the European Union on March 3. Even to outline an unprecedented rapprochement with NATO, point The Obs. What could his meager land army of 6,000 men do against neighboring Gargantua? », asks this weekly, with a question that contains its answer.

Putin-Erdogan, tandem of the devil

Especially since, in this Big game of a new type in Europe, Vladimir Putin can count on strong support within NATO, that of the Turkish Erdogan. Despite their differences, they get along well. “ The two men are about the same age, highlighted Point (…) Both have reigned unchallenged in their country for twenty years and have used a fairly comparable method of government: concentration of powers in the hands of a single man, stifled or imprisoned opposition, media confiscated, justice under orders… “. Erdogan-Putin? Point coined a nickname for them: “The diabolical ones”. From the Kremlin to the Sublime Porte… from hell, in short…
