In the spotlight: Respite in Sudan

In the spotlight Respite in Sudan

The latest, that of at least three days requested by the United Nations, is no exception. So much so that just yesterday evening, dailies like Le Figaro Or The world hardly believed it. “ The already tenuous hope of a ceasefire in Sudan has faded”sighed thus Le Figaro.

Moreover, this newspaper points out, all the previous stops of the announced fights have fizzled, neither side respecting them “.

Referring to an interview granted the day before yesterday to the al-Jazeera television channel by General Burhan, Le Figaro emphasizes that the latter accused his rivals of “ cut roads and prevent the movement of populations “, before adding that he could not therefore” to have confidence “. According to him, the only remaining option is therefore “ the military option “. This daily also reports the response, on the same channel, of General Hemedti who, while supporting the idea of ​​humanitarian corridors, refused to ” sit down with a criminal to discuss “.

Reasons why “ the chances of obtaining a ceasefire, even a temporary one, seem slim “, admits Le Figaroand the outcome of this life-and-death struggle remains uncertain “.

Le Figaro finally emphasizes that the impossibility of a truce also makes the evacuation of foreign nationals very delicate, even though the diplomatic quarters are particularly affected by the clashes. The European Union is still counting on a break to be able to evacuate some 1,500 people by land. The United States has sent military reinforcements to its base in Djibouti to facilitate a possible rescue operation. The French army has for its part “gathered resources” nearby, probably in Chad “, Assumed Le Figaro.

Is Paris burning?

Paris under 50°C imagine the front page of Release, in the photo of which the Eiffel Tower seems to undulate and waver, like a mirage emerging from the sands of the desert. According to a study published in The Lancetthe risk of “to die of heat in Paris is the highest in Europe, is alarmed Freedcertainly presenting the said study as a “ dystopia ”, that is to say as the opposite of a utopia, but giving it enough credit so that the reader does not stop at the sensational character of this ardent prediction.

According to this study, therefore, Western Europe has a lower excess mortality rate than the other regions studied, with the exception of very large cities, such as Paris. The French capital is in fact the European city where the risk of dying from heat is highest », Reports Release.

Yes, admit this everyday, These are indeed catastrophic scenarios, but not catastrophic ones: they will soon become reality… if nothing is done. Which is not the case. The mayor of Paris was given (yesterday) a report written by elected officials from all sides devoted to this emergency, with proposals to ensure that the French capital remains livable “.

SO ? SO, Freed warns, “ the construction site is colossal. Of course, it goes through the continuation of the policy of reducing cars, through a greener city and the renovation of thousands of buildings, whose zinc roofs may need to be painted white… It will go through a thousand and one other adaptations of the urban space, changes in work habits, changes in the agendas of festive events, renunciation of projects whose economic interest today seems obvious… “.

Run Hussein run!

Nice interview of the Jamaican sprinter in the magazine of The Team, This morning. The eight-time Olympic gold medalist, still world record holder in the 100 and 200m – for 14 years – says his “ regret to the weekly sports newspaper. Being reminded of his record (19.19 s over 200m), Hussein Bolt therefore regrets, in fact, not having broken this 19” wall. Because “ I had the means “, he says to The Magazine Team. Being also reminded that in the final of the 100 m. Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, the fastest man of all time broke the world record by releasing his effort fifteen meters before the line, far ahead of his opponents (running the distance in 9 s 58!) , Hussein Bolt, on the other hand, has no regrets.

Yes, in Beijing I might have been able to run in 9”52 pushing to the finish line, he told this newspaper (…) but that doesn’t really change much. While less than 19 ”, there is a barrier “. But that too was before… For next year, Hussein Bolt’s objective is to come to Paris to attend the Olympic Games with his family. For then his children will be big enough “.
