In the spotlight: PMA accessible to all women for a year

In the spotlight PMA accessible to all women for a

Since August 2, 2021, the bioethics law has extended this mode of procreation to female couples and single women. ” A year and already the crisis of growth “, title Release who does not hesitate to speak of boom babies ” because “ demand has exploded “. And this request comes mostly from single women, at 53%. Younger and younger women who do not want to go through the couple to have a child “, testifies the co-president of the Mam’enSolo association in the pages of World.

Back in Releasethe director of the Biomedicine Agency explains: The wave that we are witnessing and for which we are not observing any decline for the time being, demonstrates the extent to which this text clearly responds to very strong societal expectations. The reverse of this trend: longer waiting times, disparities from one region to another and a fear regarding gamete donations.

Especially since from September 1, recalls The world these gamete donors must consent to the disclosure of their surname, first name and date of birth.

Today, the average waiting time to access a PMA is 13.6 months. The cross is interested in women who therefore continue to go abroad to have recourse to it, in Spain, Belgium or Portugal where the processes are more established and therefore faster. One notable difference, however: the cost. A 42-year-old woman, interviewed by the daily, explains that she has already spent 20,000 euros in 4 years, without success so far.

While France is going through a wave of drought, Today in France suggests several solutions

Why not, for example, reuse toilet water for agriculture. The new director of Veolia sees in it “ one of the most effective weapons against drought “. The water is not reused as it is but is administered “ quick treatments » therefore less pushed than for drinking water and therefore also less energy-intensive. Other avenues have been advanced, such as planting other varieties of cereals, which require less water. This is the case, for example, of sorghum originating in Sudan and found in the south of France.

the Figaro is interested in energy sobriety

Highlighting the importance of everyday gestures, but also the government’s plan. Next step in September: five thematic working groups set up by the government will then have to submit their conclusions. ” All of these actions should allow the country to save 10% of energy in two years “explains the newspaper.

When The world focuses on how France hastens to build up its stocks of gas before winter to offset the reduction in Russian gas deliveries. A researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute asks the following question: Why not follow the Japanese model? “. And The world developed : “ After the drama of Fukushima in 2011, the Archipelago managed, in record time, to reduce its electricity consumption by 15%, by taking strong measures, for example stopping escalators in the metro and using to telecommuting. Proof that nothing is impossible. »

Another effect, among other things, of the war in Ukraine, drug shortages

This is Humanity in its edition of the day which leans on the day. Indeed, explains the vice-president of the Academy of Pharmacy: “ Many products come from Ukraine and Russia, such as needles for injections or aluminum used for dandruff on drug blisters. Aluminum shortages affect all sectors, but the pharmaceutical industry is not a priority. An advanced solution: there too, the relocation of the production of drugs.

Still in the ranks of shortages, good news

While the war in Ukraine poses the threat of famine all over the world, a ship with 26,000 tons of corn left the port of Odessa yesterday. ” The horizon is clearing for Ukrainian grain exports », promises Today in France.
