In the spotlight: Mélenchon wants to rob the richest

Jean Luc Melenchon accused of complacency with the Putin regime

This shock proposal from the candidate of La France insoumise: if he is elected, Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to tax the highest incomes at 90%! According to the daily The echoesif Jean-Luc Mélenchon is elected President of the Republic, “ the income tax scale would be modified in depth, and divided into 14 brackets (compared to 5 currently). The marginal rate should be set at 90% for the highest bracket, i.e. from 400,000 euros per year (33,000 euros per month). On the other hand, people earning less than 4,000 euros per month would benefit of the tax reform that Jean-Luc Mélenchon will unveil today, complete The echoes.

Macron re-elected? A pure formality…

One month before the first round of this election, the French augur a victory for Emmanuel Macron. According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figaro79% of French people think that the outgoing president “ will win the presidential election », compared to 21% who think the opposite; 68% believe that the war in Ukraine “ promotes his re-election against 32% who share the opposite opinion. And yet 54% of French people do not want Emmanuel Macron ” win said election, against 44% who aspire to his victory. And for good reason, since 52% of French people find the balance sheet of his five-year term “ Wrong “, against 47% who find it” Well ”, the latter being however 6 points more numerous than last December, thus signals Le Figaro.

The Versailles European summit now. The twenty-seven member countries of the European Union intend to send a signal of support to Ukraine, but not that… The Europeans “should” send it, and to Ukraine, and to Moldova, and to Georgia .

So ? So question (asked by Humanity): “ Is a Europe of thirty possible? “. Reading the article that the French communist daily devotes to this European summit in Versailles, one feels the embarrassment of The Human faced with this question posed by him.

Of course, as pointed out Le Figaroin fifteen days, Europe has made more progress than in twenty years “. Only here, this startle “Does Europeans sign on their behalf” the end of innocence »? At Versailles, one can expect ” gnashing of teeth “, in particular from Germany, on the question of “ include gas and oil in the sanctions “, anticipates this newspaper.

However, wants to believe Le Figaroif the Europeans maintain their unity, if they reaffirm their desire to make Europe stronger and more sovereign, so that it ceases to depend on the United States, it will perhaps escape the fate of leaving history that some reserved for him. At Versailles, it is also the fate of Ukraine and its future in the European family that will be at stake. », warns Le Figaro.

Gas leak in Versailles

This European summit in Versailles is indeed a ” true test for the Twenty-Seven, also admits Release. Yet, this newspaper concedes, no formal decision should (there) be taken “, Ukraine’s application for membership of the European Union thus being ” not on the agenda “. It must be said – and Freed underlines it – that the position of the Europeans is “ less comfortable than that of the Americans, when it comes, of course, to gas supplies from Russia.

Gas, therefore, but not only…” The march is even higher on the European defense front, now dependent on the NATO umbrella “, point Release. Which daily admits that, “ for the time being, the European armies are not ready for a high-intensity war. And France, which is pushing for a European military alliance, is still very much alone », sighs Freed.
