In the spotlight: Macron in kyiv

Macron plays the Ukrainian card to mobilize his electorate

Since the time we waited », teases Release, after the French president visited the Ukrainian capital.

But before commenting on the timing of this visit, the press first emphasizes the signal. Thus, for The ParisianMacron, Scholz and Draghi address a “ unexpected message to Zelensky “, and a ” a clear message to Putin.

Message, therefore, but also sign. The three heavyweights of Europe at the bedside of a Ukraine at war? ” The symbol is strong! “, thus underlines Le Figaro. Which daily sees it as a way of saying to Ukraine that she is already part of the family “.

The fact remains that beyond the signal and the symbol, this visit by Emmanuel Macron to kyiv does not mean that the door of the European Union has suddenly opened for Ukraine.

This is emphasizedThe crosswhile today the European Commission is due to deliver its opinion on Ukraine’s application for membership of the European Union.

Given the reluctance within the EU to grant Ukraine the status of candidate for entry into the Union, the Catholic daily believes that ” it is also the future of the Union that is at stake “.

Four days before the second round of the legislative elections in France, this presidential visit to kyiv

Perhaps there are electoral ulterior motives, and undeniably a will of the president to clearly mark that the international is more than ever, in the storm, his reserved domain », admits coyly The Parisian.

Maybe ? For the press close to the left, it’s seen all. ” From kyiv, the French president invites himself into the campaign “, thus denounces Humanity. According to the Communist daily, this ” shift in Ukraine has been opportunely scheduled during the interval between the two rounds of the legislative elections “.

Release don’t write anything else. ” No one will take our minds off the fact that this sequence was organized by pure chance in the between-two rounds of a delicate ballot for the French head of state. », hammers Freed.

The second round of legislative elections in France is this Sunday, June 19. The French do not seem determined to offer Emmanuel Macron the absolute majority that the president demands

According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figarothe most likely scenario is that the presidential coalition would lack between ten and twenty seats for an absolute majority “. This survey ” confirms the clear progress of the Nupes (the left-wing alliance), which could obtain between 179 and 225 » seats in the National Assembly, against « 252 to 292 to the presidential majority (the absolute majority is reached with 289 seats, editor’s note).

According to this survey, 70% of French people do not want an absolute majority for the president », Reports Le Figaro. This poll also confirms that more than one in two voters should not vote on Sunday since it predicts an abstention rate of 53%, very close to that of the first round.

Another survey, that of the OpinionWay institute for the newspaper The echoes and Radio Classique, which grants between “ 165 and 210 seats » à la Nupes, against « 275 and 305 seats ” to the majority. Unbearable suspense…

Suspense which stirs up invectives against Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Witness the Minister of the Interior who fires red bullets at the leader of Nupes

Summing up Sunday’s ballot to a very Manichean duel, Gérald Darmanin told the Parisian : “ on one side, there is a fatal agitator. On the other, a statesman, Emmanuel Macron in the mouth of the Minister of the Interior, the ” fatal agitator is none other than Jean-Luc Mélenchon, editor’s note).
