In the spotlight: Macron II, a French disenchantment

Re election of Emmanuel Macron His image will appear on the

Faith of Michel Houellebecq, the French are not “ not reconciled ” after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron (to be continued).

Mileage comments and press tips to the new/former president. On reading, the whole lets sweat the prepared, the anticipated, the marbled, while waiting for April 24 at 8 p.m. to launch the presses.

Photo of the most official on the front page of the weekly Pointunder a title with the sobriety of circumstance: “ President “.

In the light of The ExpressFrance torn apart “. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron was ” lucky president » ; in 2022, it becomes “ the last chance », shade The Express.

Champ de Mars, under the Eiffel Tower, April 24 in the evening. Paris Match chose some close-ups; here the parents of Emmanuel Macron; there the children of Brigitte Macron. This second five-year term looks tricky », warns Paris Match.

The game was unstoppable

Apparent disenchantment following a predictable victory. But it was possible to show originality in the treatment of the re-election of Emmanuel Macron. Witness Der Spiegel. To comment on last Sunday’s election, this German magazine had the idea of ​​asking the French writer Michel Houellebecq for his analysis. ” Everything is going as planned in my latest novel “Launches the latter.

According to the author ofannihilate,the vote has always been, more or less, a class vote; but he had never been like this. On the sociological level, the teaching of elections is absolutely clear, states Houellebecq, it can be said in one sentence: the rich vote Macron, the poor vote Le Pen, the intermediaries vote Mélenchon. It’s a simple, brutal reading grid, and it works perfectly. In terms of “age classes”, it is necessary to refine a little, but hardly. Young people vote Macron or Mélenchon, old people vote Macron; those who work vote Le Pen », sums up the author of Elementary particles.

According to him, ” we have just offered international opinion (…) a pretty mediocre show. It’s a bit normal: when the result is folded in advance, it becomes difficult to be interested in the match “. However, regrets Michel Houellebecq in Der Spiegel,reconciliation is not on our agenda “.

The Prime Minister is “him”

He does not want to leave full powers to Emmanuel Macron. “He” is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who calls on his left-wing partners to get out of ” the permanent culture of defeat “. As Jean-Luc Mélenchon launches in The Sunday Journalthey have to get out of the lose “, and ” assume the will to win “. Saying ” optimistic “on the outcome of the negotiations for the legislative elections, the leader of La France insoumise” think “that the partners on the left will” find an agreement “.

But he warns » by declaring to the JDD that ” people will not accept twice to be robbed of victory by those who refuse to build this new majority. The People’s Union gathered twice as many voters as all the other components of the left, and five times as many as each of them “, he remarks, ensuring guarantee” everyone the existence of a group in the National Assembly “.

The sealed Eiffel Tower

It is ” the invisible poison of Paris “, formula Marianne. After the Notre-Dame fire, it is the turn of the most visited Tower in the world to be incriminated in lead pollution. The investigation of Marianne reveals disturbing results of analyzes carried out on March 15, and on the Tower, and in the surrounding streets, and on the Champ de Mars, this Parisian esplanade where children like to play, where presidents like to celebrate their re-election .

Being by this magazine clarified the existence of a supposed “ threshold ” magnetic permeability to lead of ” 1000 µg/m2 », Marianne announces that, very close to the public access to the Eiffel Tower, ” the last measurement is around 3000 µg/m2 ! But lead, at the Eiffel Tower, is everywhere, in the steel as in the paint. ” To get rid of it, you would have to dismantle it altogether. “, says an expert to Marianne. Only here, at the top of the Eiffel Tower, an antenna dear to our house is planted. To dismantle it, wouldn’t that be putting us in the dark? It deserves consideration…
