In the spotlight: incompressible perpetuity…

the defense will speak

Incompressible perpetuity for Salah Abdeslam » : this is the great title of The voice of the Northof the Latest News from Alsace or even of East Lightning.

Life imprisonment for Abdeslam “, adds The union or Free lunch.

Free lunch who is writing : ” in the history books, we will remember that November 13, 2015 was one of the symbols of the decade of barbarism. It will also remain that seven years later, justice passed without trembling with dignity to recognize the unspeakable, to honor the memory of the victims as much as to recall the values ​​of France in the face of terror more present than ever today. »

Le Figaro insists: to the Islamist fanatics who kill in the name of a sectarian ideology, a democratic country has responded with the voice of republican justice. »

Nine months of a historic trial returns our democracy to its most solid values, adds Free Charente. Justice and law have the last word. It is the honor of France and of a few countries in the world to be able to face up to the monstrous terror which has claimed 131 lives and deeply affected thousands of victims in the name of an absurd and criminal ideology. (…) Of course, the inexplicable will never be justified, continues the Charente daily. (…) Abdeslam, the only survivor of the commandos, and his co-accused did not deliver all the truths that could be expected from them. Years in prison won’t change that. But for the huge cohort of victims and their loved ones, it’s another day that dawns. »

After Paris, Nice…

And another trial will take place at the start of the school year… The Latest News from Alsace indeed note that ” the trial of the Nice attacks of July 14, 2016, which left 86 dead and more than 400 injured, is due to open on September 5 in the same courtroom of the trial of the November 13 attacks which was filmed for history, as was that of the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher attacks. In each of these dramas, everything that France embodies has been targeted. The videos of the hearings will bear witness for future generations to the triumph of justice over terror. »

Covid doesn’t take vacations…

Also on the front page, the 7th wave of Covid… and concern is mounting in the press. “ Will the 7th wave ruin the summer for us? », wonders The Parisian.One week away from the summer holidays, the BA.5 sub-variant does not seem ready to pack up. Worse, he is already wandering everywhere in France: 124 000 new cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours. Over 7 days, the increase exceeds 57%. Because the little brother of Omicron, at the origin of this rebound, is more contagious and gives varied and longer symptoms. (…) “We should have anticipated from the month of May and not go about it at the end of June, in full upsurge” tackle Eric Billy, researcher in immuno-oncology. This member of the Du Côté de la Science collective regrets “disconnected” management when “measures adapted to alert thresholds” could have been put in place. “It’s really a shame…”»

A weak government…

Release gets annoyed and points the finger at the government. ” It is an understatement to say that the government gives the feeling of floating in its management of this epidemic return, (…) of being absent subscribers, contenting itself for the moment with messages calling for common sense and everyone’s responsibility . If the accent of Jeannot (Castex), every week on Thursday evening, or the photos of the biscotos of Olivier Véran do not miss us completely, there is undoubtedly a margin between the mothering excesses of the government during the previous waves and the total lack of current management, whether on the vaccination policy or communication campaigns on prevention. »


Finally, ” growth, inflation: the economy suffers a stronger shock than expected », are alarmed The echoes. Constantly rising inflation, declining purchasing power and slowing growth. The bill is steep for consumers. “ Should we expect everything from the state? », wonders The cross. “ Cuts in fuel taxes or targeted checks on food are necessary to pass a course, but difficult to sustain over time. The time has come for businesses to take over, believes the Catholic daily. It is becoming urgent that branch agreements be signed (for wage increases). »
