In the spotlight: in Ukraine, hold out, after a year and a half of war

In the spotlight in Ukraine hold out after a year

Ukraine, hold on! » exclaims the Express, with on the front page the photo of President Volodymyr Zelenski, wearing a bulletproof vest and a bouquet of yellow and blue flowers, the colors of Ukraine. “ We must resist Putin “, adds the weekly. ” The Europe of 2023 knows that Putin will lose this war. Provided you have the means. On condition of not listening to those who plead for the party of capitulation “. Thinly veiled allusion to Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president who pleads for a “compromise” with Russia. In about ten pages, the express goes around the stakes on the war in Ukraine, its fights, its victims, like these veterans that we see in a photo relearning to walk, with one or two prostheses in place of the legs. Ukraine, a country that suffers, there is a lot of talk about post-traumatic stress in the military, but in reality all of Ukraine suffers from it », Explains the founder of an association of veterans. Because war has a moral cost “. ” Externally “, specifies the weekly, “ the ukrainians retain their dynamism, their determination, their pride. But in the depths of conversations, evils never take long to appear “. Witness this young journalist, who went to the front several times, and ” whose calm voice sometimes swells to a cry, without him realizing it “.

Ukrainian refugee family in France

It is Today in France – Weekend which tells the story of Osksana and her two daughters, Solimiia and Lada, they found a ” haven of benevolence with a retired couple, Catherine and Christian, in Douarnenez, Brittany. “ When war broke out in Ukraine, they did not hesitate to open the doors of their big house “. ” We felt so useless in the face of this war. Opening our door is the least we can do “says Christian. Oksana, she remembers having left everything in disaster, on February 25, 2022. We see her smiling, posing for the photo with her two daughters aged 7 and 10… who today “ speak French without an accent “Catherine thinks to herself” amazed “. “ In CP class this year “, tell Today in France Weekend Lada learned to read in an alphabet that is not that of his native language. Nothing seems to intimidate this child who, from the height of her 7 years, is also learning Breton at school “.

Spain, football, and “forced kiss”

A ” forced kiss that ignites Spain ” precise Parisian Sunday. We are of course talking about Luis Rubiales, the president of the Spanish football federation, who “ forcefully kissed on the mouth player Jennifer Hermoso, after Spain’s victory at the Women’s World Cup. Almost general outcry in Spain, where Luis Rubiales refuses to resign, however, and where the case is already nicknamed ” Sports MeeToo »… Finally, Rubiales has just been suspended by Fifa, the International Football Federation. But the case will probably not stop there. The Parisian Sunday questioned a specialist in the history of women in Spain… She specifies that what is called in France “ a forced kiss », is considered in Spain as « sexual assault in the context of a work relationship “. “ The case could therefore go to court. In the meantime, she is making noise: Pilar Calvo, secretary general of the Association for Women in Professional Sport in Spain, is sorry: “It’s a national shame, all eyes are on us” “.

A tip in M, the newspaper supplement the world...

This is about “Digital Detox” “ products or new habits that are a hit in the United States “, and who we are told, “ will soon surge in France “. What is it precisely? ” a plastic box… You put your phone in it, you set a time of confinement, let’s say eight o’clock, until the next morning. After a countdown of 5 seconds, two mini rectangles come out of the lid and here is the locked box “. It seems simple to give up your laptop for a few hours, but you have to fight against your habits. ” The first reaction “, explain M is to find that it is a great invention for others, but unusable for personal use, because everyone considers themselves a person who must be able to be called at any time of the day or night “. It is therefore necessary to overcome his a priori but also his nervousness. Telltale clue: some users complain that the box is a bit too easy to break »… So we should not underestimate the power of our smartphone on our brain…
