In the spotlight: in pension insurance, employees do not make old bones

In the spotlight in pension insurance employees do not make

Reducing the workforce and speeding up the pace, resorting to precarious jobs and ” management denial » : this is the situation described by Politics. The independent weekly has investigated the working conditions within the “retirement” branch of social security, and makes its diagnosis: the agents are in ” generalized burnout. » The fault, analysis Politicsto two major factors.

First, the decrease in the number of employees. An independent expert report, requested by the unions and taken up by the magazine, thus considers that an increase is needed ” substantial, rapid and sustainable » of the workforce, otherwise their « general fatigue “even sometimes their” exhaustion (…) could constitute a major risk for the health of employees which could lead to extreme situations “.

Second factor: an ever-increasing demand for productivity “, real ” race for quantitative objectives in defiance of quality “, writing Politics. Conclusion: pressure, a hellish pace, but also discomfort for employees, forced to ” liquidate » their tasks despite their public service mission.

A simplification in name only

To all this, we must add new tools that are supposed to simplify the life of agents. “Revolutionary” tools even. In fact, software that still has many technical flaws, several years after its launch. And tell Politicsno one is able to say when these instruments will finally function normally. » The reality described by an employee interviewed? ” We were sold an extraordinary tool, we saw our coffers empty of their employees, then we received [logiciels] with which it takes three times longer to liquidate » requests.

The finding is the same in The Express which points to the bureaucratic burnout within public services. Mayors of rural communes, nurses, policemen, all hammer it home: “ the accumulation of administrative tasks rots their daily lives. » « We continue to simplify… without simplifying anything at all “, strikes again The Express. Forms to fill in quantified objectives multiplied by the administration, for ” better control the productivity of public power “, the agents end up passing” hours in the paperwork.

And this has consequences for the whole country. A political scientist interviewed by The Express believes that ” the fact that [l’administration] is deeply affected by the bureaucratic disease, weighs the weight of a ball and chain on the whole of society. » Illustration featured by Politics : the pension reform, as much wanted by the executive as it is decried, may well not be applied on time. ” Real puzzle », « delusional », « huge challenge “: all the interlocutors met at the social security are unanimous. To the point that the weekly foresees a potential social movement which it welcomes. It would be, he likes to imagine, ” a pebble in the government’s shoe that no one, or almost, had anticipated. »

The right in the Sunday newspaper

Three tenors from the right seize the weekly to address a subject that has become the hobbyhorse of their political camp: immigration. A theme on which the executive has promised an important bill which will be supplemented by ” two texts » filed in the coming days, announces the JDD. The newspaper does not hide its joy: divine surprise “, that ” this bold and muscular project to fight against immigration. “Faced with a government that seems to him” lost, amorphous and without spring », the JDD sees in this reactionary burst the authorization to dream ” to tomorrows that sing “, far, he wants to believe, from a debate ” polarized. »

Except that as reminded Humanity Magazine, opinion is already severely fractured. After the resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brévin, pushed out by threats of ” far right thugs ” Who ” do not digest that a reception center for migrants is moved near a school “, the weekly protests that the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin can ignore ” the far-right violence that descends on its city councilors “and that he continues to pursue” the “eco-terrorists” and the “Islamic leftists”, like Don Quixote the windmills. »

Also on the front page, artificial intelligence

Lawyers, doctors, mathematicians or translators: so many sectors threatened by AI according to Pointwho worries about a “ world shift “: ” nothing will be like before “, worries the weekly which already sees” a civilizational hurricane ” Who ” threatens to upset the practice of hundreds of professions », « the economy “, and even ” the definition of the world. “In short, a technological novelty” as important, if not more, than the invention of the internet. »

Gender changed also by AI

Warning from The Express which warns of a phenomenon in full expansion thanks to, or rather because of, AI: pornographic deep-fakes. Clearly, the faces of real people are embedded in sexual scenes created from scratch. AI “ invents porn star careers for real women “, is alarmed the magazine. Because they are the ones on the front line: 90% of deepfakes uploaded [en 2021] were non-consensual fake sex clips and over 90% of these featured women “, we learn in the pages of The Express. Not consented, because the women represented did not accept that their image be used in this way. A truly ” violence “, recalls the magazine, because” obvious reputational damage “, but especially” of the message that [ces vidéos] send. “An expert explains that” behind a pornographic deepfake made without the consent of the person, there is the idea of ​​virtually committing a sexual assault. »

A Google executive tries to reassure in the columns of the Point : everything is in the frame, and the AI ​​has “ immense potential to bring about meaningful and positive change. “On condition, he says, of being” bold and responsible. For audacity, it’s successful. As for accountability, it seems like artificial intelligence: still in development.
