In the spotlight: illegal immigration

In the spotlight illegal immigration

Illegal immigration: France under strong pressure » title the Figaro. ” Irregular crossings in the central Mediterranean jumped 115% in one year “, adds the newspaper, which recalls the last declaration dated from Emmanuel Macron on the question, declaration to the magazine Point : “ The situation we know is not tenable, and we must significantly reduce immigration, starting with illegal immigration. “A law is in preparation,” the Head of State is already announcing that it will be without taboos “. THE Figaro y seems favorable in the hard way. ” It’s because the time is no longer for half measures ” tells us the newspaper which criticizes Emmanuel Macron for not being sufficiently determined on the question. ” From intention to action, there is always a significant margin in the president. » THE Figaro believes, however, that he would easily find the support of the Republicans, ” if it tightens the conditions of the right of asylum, social assistance, land rights and support for countries of departure “.

The rebels are with me »

A certain Ségolène Royal, the former socialist candidate for the 2007 presidential election, ” made a remarkable exit yesterday, presenting itself as a recourse to lead a list to the European “, writing Release. Declaration made during the summer universities of the rebellious, with whom Ségolène Royal sees herself well on her way. ” The ideashe says, it is to lead the list. Yes, the rebels are with me. “A little further, she adds:” We have to move forward, get structured, it may take time. “He did not escape Release that she smiles to journalists it seems (we are told) so happy to find “. But this ‘snettle made a few jailers strangle “, specifies the newspaper which collected the reaction of Eric Coquerel, one of the pillars of the Insoumis. ” It is an April Fools joke ? he asks. I am not aware. »

Presidential election this Saturday August 26 in Gabon

It’s the newspaper The world who is interested in this election, ” a presidential election tailored to Ali Bongo », « a vote behind closed doors, without international observers or foreign journalists “, announces the daily which is also interested in the change of voting system in Gabon. “The opposition criticizes the government for having introduced in July a single ballot for the presidential and legislative elections. In effect, voters who vote in their constituency for a party’s parliamentary candidate will automatically vote for that party’s presidential candidate, and vice versa. “An opponent denounces:” This change violates voters’ freedom of choice. » The world specifies that the main opponent of Ali Bongo, Albert Ondo Ossa, ” does not rely on any recognized political body while the bulletin in its name does not mention any candidate for the legislative elections. Its voters will therefore not give their vote to any deputy “. The daily also questions the economist Mays Mouissi, according to whom ” the record of Ali Bongo’s second term is a failure “. ” Poverty rates and youth unemployment have increased, and living conditions have deteriorated widely, he says by adding, cCompared to the last election, voters can blame him for a lot of mistakes this time around, and the opposition can take advantage of that. But the conditions prevailing before the vote raise serious doubts about the transparency of the ballot. »

Nothing is going well in Spain

The president of the Spanish football federation was to resign at midday. But Luis Rubiales did nothing. He was however pushed towards the exit, almost unanimously, for having kissed by force and on the mouth, Jennifer Hermoso, a player of the women’s national team. “He plunges Spanish football into crisis”, announces theTeamwhile Release recounts that yesterday Luis Rubiales defended ” a spontaneous and consented gesture », saying to himself « victim of a social assassination carried by a false feminism “. Immediate response from Jennifer Hermoso: “ At no time did I consent to the kiss or try to hug her. I do not tolerate anyone questioning my word, much less making up words that I did not say. “The reply is also collective: the entire Spanish women’s team, recent world champions, announced that they would no longer wear the jersey of La Roja, (the jersey of the national team), “ as long as the current leaders are in place “.
