In the spotlight: how to govern?

In the spotlight how to govern

This is the great title of The cross and the question torments the press this morning. ” And now what can he do? », wonders in echo The Parisian with this photo of a more than pensive Emmanuel Macron…

Release recounts the election evening in the winter garden of the Élysée on Sunday evening: around his relatives and advisers, “”the defeated mine”, Emmanuel Macron, him, makes a good figure. Better, he tries to relax the atmosphere by diverting, as he always does in delicate situations, from Michel Audiard: “We enter the bizarre”, he declares. Translation of a witness to the scene: ‘”He meant that to find oneself in a type of Fourth Republic situation with the institutions of the Fifth is to enter into the bizarre”. Fact, tell again Liberation, the Head of State makes a series of phone calls and begins to count and recount. “At that time, he is already in the aftermath. He is keen to see which parliamentarian can coexist peacefully with his group”, said one of his relatives. »

Where is the power?

So ask yourself The Parisian : “ where to find allies to govern, knowing that the Walkers hardly believe possible agreements of apparatuses with other formations, in particular LR? How to organize a narrow relative majority without leaders after the fall of Richard Ferrand and Christophe Castaner? How to replace beaten ministers? In short, how to bounce back? »

Where is the power? », wonders in echo The Midi Dispatch. ” Can a government that no longer has a free hand still govern? Can a president, isolated at the Élysée, fully assume all his prerogatives and set the tone for political debate? Can such a fragmented National Assembly fill this sidereal void? »

Towards a renaissance of French-style parliamentarism!

Well yes, answer The cross : “ of course, our country will not suddenly and miraculously reconnect with parliamentary culture “, Estimates the Catholic daily. But, ” to avoid the crisis of the regime, everyone has an interest – and our deputies first and foremost – to follow an accelerated training in the good practices of parliamentarism, by going to see what is done in most of our European neighbors. Rule n°1: compromise is not necessarily compromise with the opposing camp or betrayal of its voters. It is even honorable if it makes it possible to take a step towards the general interest. Rule n°2: in politics, we are rarely right alone, especially in the period that opens before us. »

And we come back to Liberation for whom one must expect a ” a true Renaissance of French-style parliamentarism, with its heated debates, its backroom deals, its late-night compromises, its stars in plenary sessions and its Machiavelli in chamber committees. »

And Release to ask oneself: what is so serious? How could a “governable” France improve the daily lives of its citizens, even though its president has repeatedly proven that he does not know how to change? The much-desired overhaul will have to begin with the Élysée. After allconcludes Liberation, it is high time for Emmanuel Macron to lead by example. »

The virtue of necessary arrangements…

Optimism, Marianne! », start The Latest News from Alsace : “ never has the National Assembly so reflected the political and sociological diversity of the country. (…) Whether they like it or not, voters have restored the authority of Parliament at the heart of a Fifth Republic which has become presidential since the 1962 referendum on election by direct universal suffrage. The coalitions with variable geometry will bring life to the Bourbon Palace, whose center of gravity will shift to the right despite the return in force of the union of the left. The cloaked deputies will become rarer and politics will gain in intensity. The repercussions of the slap of June 19, 2022 are (still) unsuspected. »

Indeed, adds South West,without immediately going as far as a German or Scandinavian-style coalition contract, can’t we require elected officials to think of the country’s interest by launching bridges rather than anathemas? (…) The legislature which is opening plunges us into unknown territory, on the brink of a crisis in the regime. But she could valued Sud-Ouest, after inevitable turbulence, to begin to change French political culture by teaching it, at the foot of the wall, the virtue of the necessary arrangements. »
