In the spotlight: haro on Blanquer

In the spotlight haro on Blanquer

A strike not against a virus but against a minister…” Parents and teachers test… Blanquer “, spear Provence on the front page.

Blanquer trapped by health constraints “, title Le Figaro.The government’s contradictory injunctions to maintain face-to-face lessons while controlling the epidemic made the Minister of National Education the target of striking teachers on Thursday.

As a result, the wave of anger grew and “ the movement promises to be massive in national education this Thursday, point The world. Most of the teachers’ unions, joined by the unions of headteachers, inspectors as well as the FCPE for the parents of pupils, are calling for a strike. All institutions are affected. The strike call, launched by the SNUipp-FSU, the majority union in the primary sector, was signed by most primary and secondary organizations, as well as a private sector union.


logic, esteem Release. ” Jean-Michel Blanquer sinned by arrogance. On many occasions, the Minister, at a press conference, in the Council of Ministers, during his media interventions, gave the impression of being approximate, tripped over the carpet of health protocols, had to specify a few hours later his statement, or was even contradicted by his own administration. He has, to sum up, point again Liberation, casually, to the tune of ‘the stewardship will follow’. This one not only did not follow, but the system cracked under the pressure of omicron. While the government has constantly erected “pragmatism” as a compass in its management of an evolving epidemic, Jean-Michel Blanquer gave the feeling of being rigid, little attentive to overwhelmed teachers and exhausted after two years of Covid.

Humanity delivers a salvo: today disavowed even in his own camp, the former darling of the president is both the direct cause of this irrepressible fed up and the symptom of a Macronian system where technocratic sufficiency and authoritarianism mingle. (…) The mobilization of this day is at the height of this abyssal contempt. And comes to complete five years of Blanquière autocracy in the service of a neo-liberal vision of the school, whose agents can no longer take it.

Convergence of anger?

So, analysis Opinion, we find ourselves in a dangerous pre-election context for Emmanuel Macron: “ this strike constitutes a double threat for the outgoing president. On the strength of his credit in the management of the pandemic crisis, a shield at any time likely to become a ball and chain. And on the danger of a convergence of anger, like this unprecedented front between unions and parents of similarly exasperated students. Omicron continues to impose its agenda, to destroy campaign strategies, including for the head of state.

Indeed, adds The Dispatch, “ never before has an electoral campaign been so disrupted by health considerations, leaving aside essential issues such as the economy, employment and security. The virus learns from the opposition of divisions, sometimes it challenges the power in place, sometimes it reinforces it, it has thus become a political object in its own right.

Last wave?

In terms of health now, what can we expect? “ Is this the last mess? », wonders The Parisian. ” The virus has never circulated as much as currently among the youngest, as indeed within the entire population. One in twenty-seven children aged 6 to 10 tested positive for Covid-19 in one week. It is considerable.

The executive hopes to quickly reach the peak of positive cases, point Le Parisien, and see the epidemic drop as quickly as it has flared up. While remaining faithful to its line of avoiding class closures. No regrets, at the top of the state, for not having postponed the start of the school year. Some scientists had however recommended it, given the particularly critical context.

And the newspaper to wonder again: will this strategy prove to be a winner over time? This wave will be ‘maybe the last’, estimated Olivier Véran a few days ago. There is nothing yet to confirm this with certainty. But the worst is never certain. The European Medicines Agency says it itself: Omicron could mark the beginning of the end of the pandemic phase. Population immunity may soon be so strong that the number of serious forms will remain limited in the future.

