In the spotlight: freedom for Victor Bout, “The lord of the arsenals”

In the spotlight freedom for Victor Bout The lord of

After long years of detention in the United States, Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout has been freed in a prisoner exchange worthy of a spy novel.

Like an air of cold war between East and West “, remark The Parisianafter the exchange, on the airport of Abu Dhabi, between Victor Bout and the American basketball player Brittney Griner.

The life of Victor Bout had inspired Hollywood cinema. He was arrested in 2008 during an American operation in Thailand. Nicknamed ” the merchant of death his name has remained sadly famous in Africa.

For the Kremlin, the “special military operation” in Ukraine has raised the ” symbolic value » by Victor Bout, « allowing him at the same time to embarrass Joe Biden on the diplomatic and moral ground, highlighted Le Figaro. Because the Americans were led to negotiate the fate of a man presented as the biggest arms trafficker in the world, sentenced to twenty-five years in prison and who only served half his sentence. By exchanging him for Brittney Griner, it is in a way a snub that Moscow inflicts on American and international justice “, Estimates this daily.

Chilean syndrome in Peru

Confusion in Peru, where President-elect Pedro Castillo was deposed and then arrested after his attempted “coup”. The leftist Peruvian president is currently in custody at a police special forces base in Lima. He was dismissed for “moral incapacity” by a majority of parliamentarians. Vice President Dina Boluarte has been sworn in as the new Head of State. And, in France, the communist daily Humanity intends, this morning, to explain to its readers the underside of Castillo’s impeachment “.

According The Humanso, ” the elites have never digested the election of teacher and trade unionist Pedro Castillo. Originally from the Andes, he had been brought to power by the poor and neglected populations “.

After his fall, Humanity denounces the climate of degagism which favors the extreme right ” in Peru. Quoting former Bolivian President Evo Morales, referring to ” a pattern that in many ways has to do with the situation of Salvador Allende, in the years 1970, in order to hinder the access of the people to the institutions “, this newspaper estimates that” the only way out would be to launch a Constituent Assembly process, as Pedro Castillo had proposed. Not sure that Dina Boluarte takes this path », sighs The Human.

The Norman Thavaud affair

Norman Thavaud is a French youtuber. He is implicated by young women for alleged acts of rape and corruption of minors. The newspaperRelease publishes this morning the testimonies of eight young women who accuse, in fact, Norman Thavaud, number one or ex-number one of French YouTube, of alleged acts of rape and corruption of minors. On four pages, Release publishes the very explicit testimonies of these young women, emphasizing in passing that four of these testimonies are now in the hands of investigators from the Family Protection Brigade.

And Release to note that, like a bundle of clues, the words of these complainants ” sketch a diagram of the influence of the videographer, who seems to want to take advantage of his notoriety to do emotional blackmail and obtain sexual relations “.

Secularism challenged at school

This survey in France, to conclude, and which relates to the self-censorship of teachers in the face of attacks on secularism in the classroom, in the canteen or during school outings. According to an Ifop poll for the monthly review Screensaver quoted by the newspaper The echoesbetween 52% and 56% of French teachers say they have already self-censored in their teaching “ in order to avoid possible incidents caused by certain students “. This survey indicates that it is mainly teachers under 40 who censor themselves in such circumstances. They are 60% in this case, indicates the daily The echoes based on this Ifop survey for the magazine screensaver.
