In the spotlight: France by candlelight, the great fear

In the spotlight France by candlelight the great fear

This is ” january’s big scare “, launches, in One, Le Figaroafter the government sent the prefects a circular organizing load shedding “ necessary to avoid the blackout » in case of harsh winter.

And indeed, according to an Odoxa poll for this daily, six out of ten French people think that, this winter, they will experience power cuts in their homes, being underlined that they are 56% to estimate that ” this vulnerability of France in terms of energy ” is due ” lack of investment in nuclear power plants “, only 30% thinking that said vulnerability is due” to the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the gas cuts decided by Vladimir Putin “.

What to indignant Le Figaro : “ Like a poor country, the world’s sixth largest economy has run out of masks and is now preparing to live to the rhythm of power cuts “, frightened, in One, this daily. For Le Figaro the looming shortage is appalling. It says a lot about the state of our country. Its causes are only partly due to the tensions arising from the war in ukraine […] For years, French electricity production has been the target of planned sabotage. France is at half mast », is indignant Le Figaro.

Pensions, Borne lifts the veil

pension reform. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne unveils the main lines of the text that the government will propose to the unions. In a daily interview The ParisianElisabeth Borne assures us, “ the presentation of the reform will take place before the Christmas holidays, as planned […] The text will then have to be presented to the Council of Ministers at the beginning of next year, for an examination in Parliament in the spring and entry into force before the end of the summer. “.

To pass her pension reform, the head of government, who does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly, says ” to be able to find a way with The Republicans. On the possible demonstrations of the opponents of this reform, Élisabeth Borne admits that ” there is a right to demonstrate” but reaffirms that “this reform is necessary to save our pension system “.

The Prime Minister specifies that the principle of ” long careers allowing people to leave two or four years before the legal age will be relaxed for those who really started working very early “. For women, she says she doesn’t want to raise the age at which the haircut can be revoked, ” who will remain at 67 “.

Macron-Biden, friends of course, but…

Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to the United States. Paris and Washington reaffirm their ties and their commitment vis-à-vis Ukraine, but France does not hide its disagreement with the American law to reduce inflation. It is “the law of the richest”, formula The cross. The Catholic daily stresses, however, that a protest against the said law ” only makes sense if it is followed by action. To be heard by the United States, we must […] above all, restore a minimum balance of power. Which can only exist on one condition: the unfailing unity of the European bloc “. However, La Croix objects: if Emmanuel Macron poses as a defender of the interests of the 27, nothing says that he has their full confidence “.

Mbappé VRP of PSG

Football, finally, with, not the World Cup, but a mysterious meeting between two shock scorers, six months ago, to try (in vain) to bring them together under the jersey of Paris Saint-Germain: Kylian Mbappé and Robert Lewandowsky. It was “ the secret encounter “, spear The Parisian. Which daily reveals that in a tuxedo, a ” discussion, eye to eye, between the two players was held on May 26, on the sidelines of the Cannes Film Festival. Objective: to bring Robert Lewandowsky to Paris.

A Parisian attack line Mbappé-Lewandowsky-Messi-Neymar, you can imagine… But no! In any case, the first two will meet on Sunday, not on La Croisette, but on a lawn in Qatar, not more in a tuxedo, but in shorts and a jersey, and even less to go to the beach.
