In the spotlight: Europe in search of gas

In the spotlight Europe in search of gas

Europe is looking for the right formula “, title Release. With which gas will Europe heat itself this winter? With Russian fuel financing the invasion of Ukraine, the flow of which can be cut off overnight? With Qatari, Azeri or Algerian gas consolidating authoritarian governments? ” Europe has lots of new friends, pointed out Freed. Overnight, heads of state kept at a safe distance because of their contempt for human rights or their petty dealings with corruption have become the dearest friends of Western countries. »

The American president, Joe Biden, this month almost fell into the arms of the Saudi crown prince MBS, while the Italian Mario Draghi – just before his resignation – was received with great fanfare in an Algeria more locked than ever by the President Tebboune, and that Emmanuel Macron received his ” brother “, the president of the United Arab Emirates. MBS would possibly be received tomorrow in Paris. ” Finally, don’t believe that they have changed their political doctrine, it’s just called realpolitik », concludes Release.

Russian gas, a strategic weapon in Vladimir Putin’s war

In a few weeks, the Russian president has managed to reverse the balance of power on the gas issue against the Europeans, in the midst of a conflict with Ukraine “, to analyse Le Figaro. After ten days of shutdown, the reopening of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline last Thursday is only a respite for Europeans. They now have to live with a sword of Damocles that can fall on them at any time, including the heart of next winter.

Seeking energy on one side, saving energy on the other. The editorialist of Charlie Hebdo mocks the French government for reducing our CO2 emissions, and launches operation sobriety. Air-conditioned stores that leave their doors open will be fined and illuminated signs will have to flicker for less time. Absurdity, because it is at the same time that luminous advertising screens appear everywhere across the country which emit as much heat as an electric radiator. ” We scoop with a teaspoon on one side and we keep opening the floodgates on the other “, concludes the editorialist of Charlie Hebdo.

In Cameroon, Emmanuel Macron opens a new memorial project

The head of state has proposed creating a commission of historians to, he says, ” turn on the light “on the period of colonization, and more specifically on the attitude of the French authorities during colonization in Cameroon and after the formal independence of the country, in 1960. Emmanuel Macron promises the opening ” In totality » French archives, both diplomatic and military. ” The initiative is the main novelty of his visit to Cameroon “, note The world.

The fascists at the gates of power in Italy, according to L’Humanité

Report in Italy, in Pistoia, once a stronghold of the left, where Brothers of Italy, the far-right party, conquered power in this small town in Tuscany. A hotbed of resistance to Mussolini and the Nazis, communist stronghold for decades and laboratory of some of the most progressive policies in Italy, particularly on education and early childhood, Pistoia re-elected Alessandro Tomasi, with 51% of the votes at the head of this city. ” A riddle ? Alas no ! exclaims Humanity. Pistoia as an example of the success of the extreme right, to score points in the legislative elections in September in Italy.

The moment of truth for the Blues

While France-Germany matches have often been legendary among boys, remember The Team, the shock tonight in the semi-finals of the Euro should allow the French women’s team to write its own legend by reaching, fingers crossed, for the first time the final of a major competition. » Kick-off at 7 p.m.
