In the spotlight: Europe awake, Russia isolated

In the spotlight Europe awake Russia isolated

Like yesterday, Monday February 28, it’s a bit like the chronicle of a metamorphosis that we can read in the newspapers this morning. As fast as she was expected. ” Europe stands up to Putin “, title Le Figaro who speaks to us of european alarm clock », of a « electroshock “for the Old Continent” drowsy “. The world speaks to us about the EU upset against Putin “. Yes it’s ” a historic awakening », confirms The Parisian. ” Historical », a word that comes up a lot, as in The cross also. The Catholic newspaper recalls that the European Union is ” born from the ashes of World War II » and that she comes from « breaking an absolute taboo by announcing 450 million euros to equip Ukraine. This is ” the first time that the Union will finance the purchase of lethal weapons in the context of a conflict involving a third State “, explains the Catholic daily. While Moscow is already the target of numerous economic sanctions. The result is ” Putin isolated, Russia under pressure “, for The Parisian Today in France. Yes, “ Russia is in the grip of sanctions “, displays the One of the Echoes. Freed prefer to speak of pliers »

Sanctions from the cultural milieu

The world of culture also got involved, at the cost of a philosophical debate, we understand in The world. ” Should we continue to disseminate Russian artists, play their music, exhibit their works in the name of the universality of culture, or boycott any collaboration? ” In France, “several institutions have decided on the spot “in any case, explains to us The world. Like the Toursky Theater for example in Marseille, which cancels the 26th Russian festival scheduled for March. While in Avignon, long-time Russian opponent Kirill Serebrennikov should open the festival well this summer as planned. ” On the plastic arts side, the reflection continued », Reports The world. If the Louis Vuitton Foundation has extended the exhibition on the Morozov brothers until April 3, a Boltanski exhibition announced for March 12 in Saint Petersburg has, on the other hand, been canceled by its beneficiaries.

On the music side, it’s obviously ” of Eurovision that came the most symbolic blow: Russia was banned from the contest “, remember The world. But the newspaper also notes concert cancellations, such as the Frenchman Woodkid who gives up his dates in Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev. Or Russian artists themselves: The famous rapper Oxxxymiron, for example, cancels his concerts because of the ” crime what the invasion represents, he said. The ” soviet rock veteran does the same, tells us The world, Yuri Shevchuk, leader of the DDT group. ” No one accepts this situation, even pop stars afraid of losing their commitments and their fees “, he says. A petition is even circulating in the Russian artistic community to ” call for an end to the war “. It has already collected more than 2000 signatures. This is ” a first “, highlighted The world.

The world of sport, haro on Moscow

The sports community drives the point home. ” Red card “, displays the front page of The Team. Completely red besides, this one simply shows the Russian football team, aligned as before a match. Except that ” FIFA and UEFA have decided to exclude Russia from all international competitions until further notice “, writing The Team. The governing bodies of football have followed the International Olympic Committee, Russia will therefore not participate in the next play-offs for the 2022 World Cup. strong ” and ” unpublished “, deciphers the sports daily: “ historically, everyone knows that FIFA and the IOC have not always been on the side of democracy “, he specifies.

The new IPCC alert

While men are waging war on all possible grounds, the planet is still dying. And no doubt it would make headlines if it weren’t for the conflict in Ukraine: The terrible price of inaction », according to the IPCC. Alert in Release, Le Figaro, Humanity or even The cross. Everyone is returning this morning to the new report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the picture painted in Freed It’s not really happy there either. ” Population displacements »? Already 30 million per year now. ” heat waves »? By the end of the century, 75% of the world’s population could be exposed to deadly heat waves », against 30 today. We are not even talking about the rise in water levels and the announced submersion of many coastal towns. In short, summarize Freedgreat efforts remain to be made “.
