In the spotlight: duel in the sun…

First round of the French legislative elections listen again to

It will still be well over 30 degrees in France on Sunday for the second round of the legislative elections. With a duel which is becoming clearer between the candidates of the Nupes and the candidates of the presidential majority. And it will be hot! The challenge: the number of MP seats, of course, and the prospect for the left of depriving the presidential camp of an absolute majority.

These rebels who want to make the Assembly tremble exclaims Le Figaro on the front page. ” If he does not seem in a position to win his bet to become Prime Minister, Jean-Luc Mélenchon will at least have won during this legislative campaign the envied status of first opponent, points to the right-wing daily. On the strength of its breakthrough in the first round, Nupes intends to transform the test on Sunday and send dozens of deputies to fill the hemicycle – 180 to 210, according to the latest estimates. (…) A picture that frightens the macronists who dramatize the issue of the second round by setting up a standoff with the mélenchonistes. »

“Down with the established order!” »

And in his editorial, Le Figaro clearly chooses its camp, without surprise… Le Figaro who denounces the melenchonization of spirits “: ” Wokists, indigenists, communitarians, anti-cops, anti-speciesists, intersectionalists… Supporters of a hyper interventionist economy, the Coquerels, Garrido, Panot and other Chikirou are also involved in all anti-republican fights: “down with the established order” is their motto. Faced with their diatribes, the leniency of the media and their political opponents leaves you speechless, affirms Le Figaro. If it was fashionable in the past to condemn – with retching – the “lepenisation of the spirits”, the “melenchonization” of a part of the opinion passes today like a letter in the post office “.

Nupes: convincing young people…

Release has also clearly chosen its camp: “ celebrate it or lament it, the real promise of change, of politics differently, is embodied by the united left, valued Liberation, which is trying to invent a new way of doing politics, with a little more ecological commitment and social justice “. A change that can possibly convince the under 30s to move on Sunday “. Because, ” Jean-Luc Mélenchon has understood that his voice reserves were not excessive, compared to those of Emmanuel Macron who knows he can count on the support of the right in the face of what he presents as the red peril “.

► To read also: France: faced with the breakthrough of the Nupes, Emmanuel Macron dramatizes the issue of the legislative elections

So conclude Releasethere are only a few days left for the various components of the united left to ensure that each young person feels concerned by this election. By highlighting, for example, the promise of a world where the ecological transition would not be a smokescreen and where young people, thanks to the 1,063 euros of the autonomy allowance, would no longer be forced to resort to expedients to make ends meet “.

Ambiguities, contradictions and illusions?

Of course, recognize The crossNupes is able to deprive LREM of an absolute majority. What for ? It is not enough to unite around the detestation of a president re-elected eight weeks ago with 58% of the vote to present a credible alternation. If we can rightly reproach the current majority for keeping its program vague, honesty then obliges us to also point out the ambiguities, contradictions and illusions of the Nupes project, affirms The cross. On the economy, are these promises tenable, moreover in an era of monetary tightening? On NATO and Europe, certain positions are, to say the least, adventurous when the war is raging in Ukraine. In terms of secularism, clientelism leads to concessions to communitarianism. As for the excesses of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it is a little easy to sweep them away with the back of the hand. His outings without nuances against the police fall within the counter talk. And we cannot defend civil liberties in France while being complacent with the repression against the opposition in Russia. “.

A swipe left, a swipe right…

In any case, in the event that it does not have an absolute majority, points West Francethe presidential alliance would then be forced to negotiate step by step with the opposition to push through its reforms. One swipe left, one swipe right. He would have to make concessions. Give rewards. Give up in some cases. Public debate would emerge invigorated from this new deal, provided that the oppositions do not play the systematic obstruction. Public action, on the other hand, would certainly lose speed, even efficiency. And Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term would no longer have anything to do with the first “.

► To read also: French legislative: Nupes bets on abstainers for the second round
