In the spotlight: death on the Nile, in Sudan

In the spotlight death on the Nile in Sudan

Burning in Sudan… Deadly fighting in the north, in the east, in Darfur, and even in the capital, Khartoum. It is with heavy weapons that the regular army and paramilitaries, since yesterday, clash. Fighting reported in Port-Sudan, El Obeid, Khartoum or Merowe… In the event of a prolongation of the conflict, ” can Sudan sink back into civil war? “, asks himself The Sunday Journal. With, already, as a consequence, a first-class burial, that of ” the agreement which was to be signed soon on a transfer of power from the military to civilians “, underline The JDD.

Laurent Berger, the angry man

In France, union anger after the promulgation, yesterday, of the pension reform… “ Neither winner nor loser, it’s wrong, there are only losers “, is heartbroken Laurent Berger in The Parisian Sunday. The secretary general of the CFDT union denounces the contempt “ until the end by Emmanuel Macron with regard to the world of work and the logout “of the French President” with reality “. Feeling of contempt ” which leads to anger “, warns Laurent Berger, wishing” that on May 1, we break the house in number of demonstrators in the street “. Because, according to this angry trade union leader, “ all is not over “, he assures in The Parisian Sunday. Berger’s answer… to the shepherdess, in short.

Bolloré, the African plaster

In the light of The Obs, Vincent Bollore. The Breton businessman is far from having finished with his legal affairs in Africa. This weekly opens a file of thirteen pages dedicated to to the legal aspects of Vincent Bolloré’s business “, in Africa in particular, and this even if the French businessman ” shifted his group’s center of gravity from container port operations and logistics in Africa to media “.

In Africa, The Obs recalls business in Cameroon; in Guinea, with presumed communication services in favor of Alpha Condé, before the granting of management of the port of Conakry once the former Guinean president was installed in power; or even in Togo, with a procedure that is continuing, relating to the award to the Bolloré group of the port of Lomé.

Exactly. Tuesday, March 21, 2023, “ the investigation chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal has confirmed (the) indictment (of Bolloré) for bribery of a foreign public official and complicity in breach of trust », signals The Obs (…) It is up to the investigating judge in charge of the case to decide henceforth on his possible referral to the criminal court”, being reminded that, in this last procedure, Vincent Bolloré was not able to plead guilty in order to “ preserve his group and not because he was at fault “, remember The Obs.

Polansky, an endless day

This meeting of two women finally, Samantha Geimer, raped at the age of 13 by the filmmaker Roman Polanski, in 1977, and the latter’s wife, Emmanuelle Seigner. Two women ” who bother “, estimates in One, the weekly Point. Which brought together these two women to talk about the consequences of this rape for which Roman Polanski carried out, in all and for all, 42 days in prison before fleeing the United States, where an arrest warrant, still in force, was immediately issued against him. Forty-six years later, Samantha Geimer, who was called Samantha Gailey at the time of the events, denounces “ people (who) claim to act in the name of justice “, she says in Point. In the presence of the wife of his rapist, the rape victim does not mince his words. “ Let me be clear: what happened with Polanski was never a problem for me. I didn’t even know it was illegal (…) I was fine, I’m still fine. And that we made this thing weighs heavily on me “.

For her part, Emmanuelle Seigner, who remains the wife of Roman Polanski, denounces the consequences of this affair on her own artistic career. ” After #Metoo, it’s like I can’t work anymore “. It is in unison that these two women vilify the #Metoo movement. “ The good joke, all they want are destroyed women, women in pain. And they want to exploit this pain to the core. And it’s not liberating (…) They are told that, for all eternity, they will remain these poor little things, sad and damaged. And, in fact, that’s what they want, beat-up women. But it is of no help for women to go and dig up their sufferings and display them. “, insists Samantha Geimer in Point. As this weekly reports, next August, the director “ will be 90 years old “. Roman Polanski and American justice? A real Cul-de-sac
