In the spotlight: Christiane Taubira presidential candidate 2022

Christiane Taubira makes her candidacy official

Could the wind be changing direction? ” asks himself The Sunday Journal. While the vaccination pass will apply in a few days, this weekly, Ifop poll in support, reports that ” 58% of French people say they are in favor of it », while they were “ 63% ten days earlier “.

According to this survey, 50% of French people place their trust in the ability of the executive to carry out the vaccination campaign, whereas when the health pass came into force on August 9, they trusted it at 63 %. More broadly, the French today are not ” more than 41% to trust the government to respond effectively to the coronavirus, nine points less than in the heart of summer. Also asked about compulsory vaccination, the French only support it at 59%, while 68% wanted it in November, still peaking The Sunday newspaper.

New blow for the candidacy of Anne Hidalgo, that of Christiane Taubira. Weakened, the socialist candidate expresses her bitterness:

Rather than uniting, Christiane Taubira’s candidacy will further separate, divide and create confusion “, regrets the socialist candidate in The Sunday Journal.

Being reminded that, unsurprisingly yesterday, the former Keeper of the Seals of Socialist President François Hollande in turn launched himself into the presidential race in France, Anne Hidalgo wonders. ” Why (Christiane Taubira) is she a candidate, she who in December said she did not want to be another candidate? Providential men and women, I don’t believe it! says the socialist candidate to the JDD (…) In today’s world it does not exist “.

Results ? For the newspaper The Parisian Sunday this morning, Anne Hidalgo and Christiane Taubira are “ the enemy sisters “. And for the Socialist Party, it’s the death knell tolling », spear, wrecker, The Parisian Sunday.

It must be said that even before her declaration of candidacy, Christiane Taubira’s determination to launch herself left more than one doubtful, including on the left:

This is the impression given this week by reading the left-wing magazineThe Obs. ” Interfering in this game of lying poker, Christiane Taubira plays the card of the people on the left who dream of replacing “, remark The Obs.

To this newspaper, Christiane Taubira declares: “ If I, who can stand up, capitulate, everything collapses (…) If I don’t take my responsibilities, then who will? “. Unanswered question.

One, in any case, who, on the left, no longer asks questions about Christiane Taubira, is the boss of Terra Nova:

Thierry Pech, that’s his name, directs this analysis laboratory close to the socialists. And when The Obs asks him what the candidacy of Christiane Taubira inspires in him, he decides with a formula without appeal. Christiane Taubira, in the register of vague generalities, it is a gold medal! “. It’s Thierry Pech who says it, not The Obs… Nuance.

Taubira? A ” imposture “, still believes Marianne.Goddess adored in the small (…) society of the moral left “, the now candidate is” a myth to deconstruct “, lumberjack this weekly.

Another question, posed this time by the weekly The Express, “ the same as for Anne Hidalgo: what can she gain in this galley? Even if she would get a good score, around 8-10% as hoped for by her family, (Christiane Taubira) would find itself with the heavy responsibility of having made the governing left survive the announced chaos. Without a political apparatus behind it, what would it have to offer ecologists or socialists in view of the legislative elections, if not poems? », asks cruelly The Express, thus citing Deceits of Scapin, by Moliere. Lover of literature (we are told), Christiane Taubira will appreciate…

Exactly. Two words of literature to conclude, with the foreign book prize Point-France Inter presented to the Icelandic writer Jon Kalman Stefansson:

The author of the great novel Between heaven and earth, published twelve years ago, is the object of a cult in France “, highlighted Point. Your absence is only darkness is the title of his new book, awarded, therefore, by this weekly and radio France Inter. A book ” so dazzling, tender and beautiful that you wish you had never finished it “, valued Point. Your absence is only darkness, by Jon Kalman Stefansson, and published by Grasset.

