In the spotlight: Chef Macron’s spice-free menu

In the spotlight Chef Macrons spice free menu

Twenty-four days yesterday from the first round of the presidential election in France, candidate Emmanuel Macron presented his proposals for a possible second five-year term:

He thinks about it while shaving us “, spear Release (referring to Nicolas Sarkozy’s formula when the latter, before his candidacy for the 2007 presidential election, said he was thinking about it ” while shaving “). In the light of Freedthe expression ” by shaving us means that Emmanuel Macron, yesterday, rather… bored (or annoyed) the French. Because the candidate Macron has ” unfolded his program “as if he were giving a presentation at Sciences-Po “, valued Release, thus insisting more on the form than on the substance. On the background, Freed saw there, not only ” a bad social plan “, but also ” a range of measures that leans clearly to the right “.

Opinion shared by Humanitythe communist daily stressing “ antisocial essence of the candidate’s project. According to The HumanEmmanuel Macron barely mentioned the presidential election, immediately planning a second term as if it were acquired, and the election a formality “.

Macron continuity

The candidate Emmanuel Macron, yesterday, therefore “ laid down his cards », formula more soberly The Parisian. And this newspaper obviously remained unsatisfied because it was a program “ no big surprise “, he believes, without” major risk taking », to the tone « technical, without lyricism “. It is therefore quite logical that this daily newspaper prefers to dwell on the sidelines of this presentation, yesterday, by considering that ” his remarks still gave the feeling of wanting to step over the ballot “, but also by noting that when a journalist asks him if he could work with Pécresse, by appointing her to a government…” I don’t exclude anything “, provokes Emmanuel Macron, “ way to send a very clear message ahead of time to all those at LR who might be tempted to join him if he is re-elected », translated The Parisian.

Overall welcoming the program of the candidate Macron, finding in it ” change in continuity “, but also “ common sense requirements », Le Figaro found him the tunes of ” midterm speech “. And even if, according to this newspaper, “the set hardly shines by its originality and that many provisions have also been developed by its competitors”, Le Figaro prefers to emphasize the urgent need (…) for efficiency which France, according to this daily, needs (a way, therefore, to give its discharge to the program of candidate Macron).

Putin pretends to negotiate

The war in Ukraine, with a look back at Jean-Yves Le Drian’s latest statements in yesterday’s press. ” You don’t negotiate with a gun to your head said the French Foreign Minister:

In a newspaper interview The Parisianyesterday, the head of French diplomacy accused Moscow of “ pretend to negotiate, while continuing to make arms speak “. Jean-Yves Le Drian, however, repeated there that “ we are not at war with Russia or a party to the armed conflict in Ukraine “, and underlined the importance ” to stubbornly keep a channel of discussion with President Putin to challenge him on his actions “. Because as chanted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, “ there is only one urgency: the ceasefire, the ceasefire, the ceasefire “So said, in these terms Jean-Yves Le Drian to the Parisian of yesterday.

RFI and France24, Mali wants to break the thermometer

Mention, finally, of the suspension of RFI and France 24 broadcasts in Mali in Liberation: “ When the message is embarrassing, you have to attack the messenger “, formulates this daily, thus describing a “ known method “. For Freedthis cut off of our transmitters in Mali is the sign of a worrying slide towards an authoritarian regime ” in Mali.
