In the spotlight: Catherine Colonna denounces “Russian imperialism”

In the spotlight Catherine Colonna denounces Russian imperialism

Europe is not not the only aim by the consequences of the war in Ukraine, warns the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. ” It’s our safety that’s at stake said Catherine Colonna to Release. In her first interview with the press, the head of French diplomacy denounces the war waged by Russia “ which is not just aimed at Ukraine, which is aimed at undermining stability in the world and the international order, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Freed. A confrontation that extends to the African continent and in which Russia uses as a weapon not only what it is doing in Ukraine militarily, but also disinformation, the weapon of hunger and the weapon of energy, for strategic purposes that go well beyond Ukraine “.

In ReleaseCatherine Colonna also says the need to “ make it clear to all those in the world who might be tempted to consider that this is a war which only concerns Europeans, that they are also targeted by Russian imperialism “.

Also referring to the crisis around Taiwan, the boss of the Quai d’Orsay appeals ” with the utmost restraint and emphasizes the importance of dialogue “.

Intimidation maneuvers around Taiwan

The crisis around Taiwan, precisely, with China, which launched the most important military maneuvers in its history there yesterday Friday. These military maneuvers led by China around Taiwan are Beijing’s response to the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taipei. Missiles have reached Japan’s exclusive economic zone, major commercial waterways are cut off, cargo ships are diverted to the east of the island, flights have been cancelled.

It’s the first time in 25 years that China has launched missiles into the Taiwan Strait, in response to what it sees as ‘provocation’ by Taipei or the US “, highlighted Le Figaro. Which newspaper reports that, ” in the coming days, some exercises are expected to be held within 16 kilometers of the Taiwanese coast “.

Macron takes back colors

In France, confidence in Emmanuel Macron is growing. According an Elabe poll for the newspaper The echoes and for Radio Classique38% of French people trust the President of the Republic “ to deal effectively with the main problems of the country (i.e. one point more than in June), and 32% to Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne.

In the ranking of personalities, it is the former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe who remains in the lead, with 49% of positive image, ahead of the president of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, 34%, and the Minister of the Economy Bruno The mayor.

Jaws in Pampelonne

Unusual presence, that of several sharks reported near the shore, along several beaches of the French Rivierain the south-east of France, on the front page of the newspaper The Parisian. This newspaper reports that three sharks were observed near Var beaches in eight days (…) within a radius of less than 100 km this summer “. The Parisian thus reports that, on July 24, off a beach in Fréjus, a fisherman had a terrible fright when he crossed paths with a mako shark a few hundred meters from the shore. The shark ” measured a little less than a meter “. Three days later, ” a female blue shark stayed several days 20 meters from a small beach before running aground on the sand, exhausted (…) Almost at the same time, another female blue shark was seen by fishermen off the coast of Pampelonne beach, near Saint-Tropez “. She was 3 meters tall! From one to three… To wonder how big the next shark on the Côte d’Azur will be?
