In the spotlight: a potentially nightmarish summer…

In the spotlight a potentially nightmarish summer…

That promises! With, first of all, an air of deja-vu on the front page of Figaro. It alerts us to a ” been at high risk for the hospital in the throes of an endless crisis between a lack of beds and a worsening staff shortage. ” My major concerntestifies Olivier Guérin, head of the geriatrics department of the Nice University Hospital and member of the Scientific Council, it is that between mid-July and mid-August, we find ourselves with a dilapidated hospital, unable to take care of patients, including outside Covid with emergencies closed at least partially “.

A crisis affecting the entire health system

Yet this is not just an ER crisis. Just read Dr. Godeau for those who are not already convinced. President of the National Conference of Presidents of Medical Commissions of Hospital Centres, he has just carried out a survey on the difficulties of the hospital, and he is categorical, in Le Figaro still : ” The entire health system threatens to collapse in the coming months if structural emergency measures are not taken in the very short term. Regardless of the region or the type of structure, he explains, more than 63% of establishments [soit près de deux sur trois] report a major difficulty, and 97% anticipate it by next year “.

In short, as you will have understood, there is no shortage of alerts and they are far from new, but to get through this potentially catastrophic summer, Dr. François Braun, president of the Samu de France, charged by Emmanuel Macron with a ” flash mission on emergencies”, yesterday submitted a report to Elisabeth Borne. A ” real toolbox which offers 41 tracks, tells us Le FigaroBetween ” sorting of patients, increased staff, collaboration with the city “. ” The Prime Minister will have to arbitrate », we are reassured!

A complicated summer at airports

For those who are lucky enough not to be sick and who want to fly to go on vacation, it is in airports that summer can be very complicated. ” The summer of all turbulence “, title Today in France. ” It smells of Roissy “, confirms the One of Release. A strike by Aéroports de Paris staff announced this Friday threatens the holidays of thousands of French people “, writing Today in France. ” Endless queues and cascading flight cancellations, the sector will be disrupted all summer “, predicts the newspaper.

More broadly, air transport has struggling to get back to heaven “, developed Freed. ” Rising costs and shortage of staff, the sector which had made redundant during the pandemic finds itself helpless in the face of unexpected attendance “. To give you an idea: since January, +211% traffic on Orly and Roissy compared to 1er semester 2021.

And the question that obviously interests those who travel: can we get reimbursed if our plane remains grounded? Well yes, we are told Today in France. ” This is provided for by a European regulation. The airline can also offer you a credit note, it’s up to you to accept it or not. “. And for those who have booked a stay, also know that ” all costs arising from the cancellation of your flight must be reimbursed by the company », up to a maximum of 4,000 euros. It is always good to know.

Galley also at Radio France

To read in The worlda survey of the great precariousness of recruits “. A problem that all journalists know well. Pigeons and ” sequences of short contracts for several years (sometimes more than 5 years) […] young journalists are wrung out by the system set up in public service radio “. One day in one corner of France, often in another the next day. This, for example, provoked in a young journalist, in ” state of extreme fatigue “a loss of vision” for long seconds “, while she was driving on the road between two local stations of Radio France. Survey to read in the columns of the World, so.

The start of the Tour de France in Denmark

Also on the road today are the cyclists of the Tour de France. ” The Tour de France is back in the saddle in Denmark “, title Humanity. The Great Loop sets off from Copenhagen, ” a departure abroad that will happen again in the coming years “says the newspaper. What ” emphasizes the internationalization of this event, for financial and media reasons “, considers for his part The cross. However, the Tour de France is still The Team who talks about it best, on the sporting side, of course. And we can read that ” the peloton trembles at the thought of going through the very tricky first week of this 109e Tour edition “. In any case, the Slovenian Tadej Pogacar hopes to achieve a hat-trick…
