In the Somme department, wind turbines are no longer on the rise

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Faced with global warming, renewable energies are emerging as one of the essential solutions. They will be widely discussed at COP 26, from November 1 to 13, 2021, in Scotland. In France, the government wants to almost double the wind farm within ten years, with the objective of increasing the share of wind power in national electricity production from 8% to 15%. Department n°1 in the installation of wind turbines: the Somme, in the North, with as corollary a sling of the inhabitants and the elected officials. They speak of the saturation of space and increasingly oppose ongoing projects.

In the Somme department, wind turbines are no longer on the rise », a great report by Lise Verbeke.

(Rebroadcast from November 1, 2021)

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