In the occupied West Bank, the city of Jenin in ruins after the Israeli offensive

In the occupied West Bank the city of Jenin in

After ten days of a vast military offensive in the north of the occupied West Bank, the Israeli army withdrew from Jenin. It left behind significant destruction. The operation, described as “anti-terrorist” by Israel, cost the lives of nearly forty Palestinians, including eight children.

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Jenin, a city in mourning and ruins. After the Israeli army left, deep craters litter the city center and the roads have been plowed up by the army’s earthmoving machines. They have dug up and broken the pipes. Sewage flows into the streets.

In the Jenin refugee camp, the facades of the houses are riddled with bullets. Some are even pulverized, like that of Aziz Taleb. They started shooting, shooting, shooting right at my house. So we took refuge at the neighbor’s house. ” he says. “ The army came into my house. The soldiers threw a grenade into my house, without warning. This is not the first time they have targeted us. But since I speak Hebrew, I tell them to stop because there are civilians inside. Usually that is enough to calm them down, but this time it was different. This time it was worse than in 2002. “.

Also readFive killed in Israeli raid in occupied West Bank

An unprecedented level of violence

In 2002, a massive Israeli offensive in Jenin deeply traumatized the population. More than 20 years later, Palestinians still talk about it. But this year, ” The level of violence is unheard of “.

Mohamed Al Saadi, 65, was born and raised in Jenin. He has never seen anything like it. In the name of the fight against terrorism, they destroy our streets, sanitation networks, drinking water and electricity. They destroy our homes, starve our children and throw us and our families out on the streets. “, describes Mohamed Al Saadi. Is this the fight against terrorism? Why do some of our young people take up arms? Because they are suffering under occupation. When a Jewish Israeli child is killed, the whole world is outraged. But we, our people, can be exterminated and no one cares. »

Since October 7, 2023, Jenin has experienced more than one “ twenty Israeli attacks ” confides the old man. “ These are always punitive expeditions. “.

Palestinian telecommunications company employees restore telephone lines. Water, sewage and electricity networks were also damaged during the Israeli offensive.

Also readWest Bank: Attack kills at least three Israeli security guards on border with Jordan
