In the occupied West Bank, Jewish settlers attack Palestinians and Israeli left-wing activists

In the occupied West Bank Jewish settlers attack Palestinians and

New attacks by settlers in the occupied West Bank occurred on Friday January 21 in Burin, near Nablus. Jewish settlers, masked, attacked Palestinians and a group of left-wing Israeli activists, belonging to the Rabbis for Human Rights Association and the Olive Harvest Coalition, who had come to plant trees. In this village near the settlement of Yithzar, considered one of the most violent, and the outpost of Giv’at Ronen, settler attacks are very frequent.

With our correspondent in Ramallah, Alice Froussard

The settlers had their faces hidden, baseball bats, brick-sized stones which they threw at Palestinian farmers in the village of Burin and Israeli volunteers accompanying them. A violent scene filmed by one of the activists.

The group of settlers also sees a car, yellow plate, those of one of the Israelis, and set it on fire with a can of gasoline.

The Israeli army, warned, arrived too late the settlers have already fled. The ten Israeli wounded, light but bloody faces, are transferred to the hospital.

►Also listen: Israeli settlers, protected by the army, reign terror among the Palestinians

Total impunity

And while settler attacks, regular, ultra-violent, almost weekly and sometimes deadly in the occupied West Bank against Palestinians are usually little discussed and continue with impunity, this time the reactions were numerous.

Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz speaks of “ terrifying violence and asserts that the perpetrators must be condemned. Yaïr Lapid, Minister of Foreign Affairs, believes that with this type of attack, Israel is sinking into the abyss and that this must stop.

►Also read: Israel: a plan to double the number of settlers in the occupied Golan

And for Joint List MK Ayman Odeh, this incident would not have happened without the government’s support for the settlers. ” The budget for the settlements is constantly increased, the government calls the settlers “the best of our sons”, it is a policy that entrenches the occupation and their violence he says.

That same day, Palestine Red Crescent teams treated 88 people in the Nablus area during clashes with the army or settlers.
