in the north of France, Valérie Pécresse bets everything on safety

After several days of isolation due to her contamination with covid-19, Valérie Pécresse returned to the field this Tuesday, March 29 in the north of France. In the company of Xavier Bertrand, the right-wing candidate tried to relaunch her campaign at half mast by going to meet business leaders near Lille and talking about security and the fight against Islamism to the inhabitants of a poor district of Roubaix.

Valérie Pécresse hoped for a good resumption of the campaign after five days of isolation linked to the coronavirus, but in front of the entrepreneurs of the ” Flanders Business Club “, the founder Olivier Talbert shot her with embarrassing, even sexist questions: “ When you have a wife as famous as you, how does your husband experience this notoriety? “There is even a video of her dating from the 2010 regionals:” Nothing like a woman to do the housework! “Candidate LR defends herself. ” Friends, if you haven’t screwed up in the last 12 years, then throw the first stone at me! “, she smiles, before trying to talk about debureaucratization, lower charges and debt reduction.

Security everywhere, social nowhere

Then, a radical change of scenery, here she is in Roubaix, which a controversial report has depicted as a symbol of the rise of Islamism, in the street to discuss with inhabitants. Some denounce: There are dealers everywhere », talk about « landfill “, and a man the apostrophe:” Moh i expect firmness “. It’s up to Valérie Pécresse to plead: ” That’s really what I want, with the mandatory municipal police, with video surveillance, with zero impunity “.

To listen also: The presidential campaign also goes through influencers

Security and identity, key words for Valérie Pécresse: I want the Republic to always be at home, I want those who fight against Islamism to know that I will always be by their side. » It draws on the fundamentals of the right to make the polls lie: “We need to put more police…”, but several local residents bring it back to social reality: “Yes and no, if there is work and social, it’s good. »

On the sidewalk opposite, construction workers watch, disillusioned. On April 10, they will not vote.

