In the news: the humanitarian drama in Libya

In the news the humanitarian drama in Libya

After the earthquake in Morocco, which we also find in French newspapers, it is in fact the floods in Libya which are making the headlines, with this photo on the front page of World : “ the body of a victim in Derna », wrapped in a simple blanket and placed on a wooden board in the back of a pick-up. In the background, a scene of chaos, as storm Daniel hit eastern Libya ” leaves behind a sea of ​​desolation “. It is ” a real humanitarian disaster » who falls, estimates The world.

The cross for its part devotes its editorial to these “ devastating floods “. Le Figaro also displays the extent of the damage. Because last Sunday, in Cyrenaica, they were “ waves of 5 meters and the equivalent of two years of rain which drowned several neighborhoods “. There are at least 3,500 dead and 10,000 missing, reports the newspaper. “ Survivors testify to the horror. »

Read alsoFloods in Libya: aging dams, a climatic phenomenon and a failed state

A catastrophe and predictable consequences

And for at least two reasons, we understand this when reading Humanity This morning. Huma simply read the 2022 IPCC report, which “ included for the first time a specific chapter devoted to the Mediterranean “. This is obviously anything but a coincidence for the newspaper, and for Robert Vautard, quoted in its columns. Director of research at the CNRS, he alerts us: “ in the Mediterranean, climate change will be one of the most radical in the world “. And he has already started, ” Mare Nostrum is already at the heart of climate change “.

Furthermore, we knew that Libya could not cope with the consequences of such a catastrophe, we still understand in Huma.The country indeed lacks infrastructure, services and experience “, explains Aya Burwell, ambassador of the European Public Law Organization.

Divisions around the immigration bill in preparation in France

And meanwhile, in France, the political class is already divided over the immigration bill currently in preparation. Yes, ” the battle begins “, title The worldparticularly around article 3 of this bill which “ would free the regularization of undocumented immigrants from prefectural arbitrariness ”, as is the case today. And a left-right divide unprecedented under the Macron presidency is precisely emerging on this question of regularizations. Even the majority scarf (again) » on this theme of immigration, relates Le Parisien Today in France. During their parliamentary day, this Wednesday, September 13, the Renaissance elected officials indeed had “ a great explanation of the project in preparation. With differences of opinion », notes The Parisian. A subject that will come up in the press soon, without a doubt.

Read alsoFrance: deputies from the majority and the left demand the regularization of undocumented workers

A meeting in Russia also on newsstands

Kim and Putin, cosmic trooper “, title Release who is somewhat amused by these reunions yesterday “ at the Vostochny cosmodrome “. The Russian president received his North Korean counterpart there, “ to display their cooperation, while Moscow is struggling in Ukraine and Pyongyang wants to modernize its military arsenale “. And it is finally the editorial of World which perhaps best sums up this meeting, as a “ worrying summit of pariahs… » Unable to be present at the Brics summit, organized at the end of August in Johannesburg, or at that of the G20, which was held in New Delhi last weekend, “ due to an arrest warrant from the International Court of Justice linked to Russian abuses in Ukraine “, remember The world. Well, Vladimir Putin had to “ settle for a head-head » with the North Korean official, Kim Jong-un, « in the eastern borders of Russia “. The master of Moscow turns “ for lack of anything better » to a country « which can be summarized as an arsenal installed in a barracks, itself governed by a dictatorship. We have the summits we can », concludes the newspaper.

The French rugby team against Uruguay

Another summit meeting will be this Thursday evening, on lighter pitches, and the French rugby team is eagerly awaited! It’s necessary ” keep the flame alive “, estimated Le Parisien Today in France. After the inaugural match of the World Cup last week and the victory against the All Blacks, the Blues have a meeting this evening with Uruguay. The newspaper The Team already shows us what he calls “ the example to follow », in the person of Anthony Jelonch. “ Six months after his serious left knee injury, [il] find the Blues “, And this ” monster of will “, tell us The Team« will even be captain », in the lead to enter the pitch of the Pierre Mauroy stadium, in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, near Lille, in the North. And it’s ” a clash between two worlds » which is being prepared this evening according to The Team. France, ” on his cloud “, in front of ” modest Uruguay “, the objective for daily sporting life will be above all to keep the rhythm. That’s what we wish them in any case.

Read alsoRugby, a sport that is winning over more and more fans
